Chapter 35

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Maya's POV:

I shot up. I was panting and shaking. I immediately starting to cry. The dream for too much for me to handle. As I looked out out the window, I could tell that it was almost sunrise. Riley was still sleeping. I was defiantly not going back to sleep, so all there was to do was bury myself into my thoughts until everyone woke up.

I couldn't stop repeating the dream over and over again in my head. I couldn't believe he was in my dream. His stupid evil face was stuck in my thoughts and I couldn't stand it. I thought I removed him from my life months ago. One other thing crushed me. Why was she there to watch my death? Why did she jump down with me?

I just kept sobbing and sobbing. I was scared. I didn't want to go back to sleep only to see him in my dreams again. Fuck him. Fuck the guy who fucked my mom. The guy that was gone for most of my life. The guy that decided to come back into my life only to abuse me. The guy that slept on the couch and drank all day long. The guy I was ashamed to call my dad.

"Maya?" Her soft voice startled me.

"Y-yeah Riles?"

"Are you ok?"

"Of course I am."

"Then why are you crying?"



"It's nothing, it was just a bad dream."

"Then you should probably go back to sleep, it's 4:56am."

"No!..I mean, I'm completely awake."

"Well, why don't we head downstairs for breakfast then?"

"Ok." I followed her down to the kitchen.

She grabbed out a box of cereal and two bowls.

"Oh no Riles, I'm not hungry."

"Since when?" She laughed.

"Since now I guess."

"Well alright. Are you sure you don't want to talk about the dream? Nobody is up yet and I think talking about it will probably just make it seem more of a silly little dream."

"Ok fine," I sighed, "just finish your cereal first."

She gobbled down her cereal and we rushed to the window seat.

"Tell me everything."

"Well it started off with him calling for me."


"My uh..."

"Oh nevermind then!"

"So anyway he was calling and I wasn't answering so he stomped up to my room. He grabbed me by the shirt and told me I deserved only the best punishment. Then he took me up to the roof of an 80 story building, you were there too."

"Oh yay!"

I bit my lip. "You watched as he tied me up and um...threw me off the building."


"Then at the end I saw him grinning evilly and jumped down for me." I winced.

"Oh Maya!" She wrapped her arms around me.

"Yeah it just made me realize how much he hated me. How much my own father hated me! I can't believe my own father doesn't even love me!" I sobbed out, shaking like it was negative 100 degrees fahrenheit.

"Maya you don't need him. You've got a new family now, and we love and care about you."

"You're right. Thanks Riley."

"My pleasure." She kissed me and headed downstairs as she heard a knock on the door.

I decided not to go drink for a while. I couldn't risk knocking out and dreaming about him again. I didn't know how I was going to avoid dreaming all together. Maybe I could just avoid sleeping though.

"Maya!" Riley called out. I ran downstairs. The door was open and no one other than Shawn and Angela were sitting on the couch.

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