Chapter 25

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Riley's POV:

I gulped as I entered the school, feeling more alone than ever, even though people were all around me. I walked up to my locker and Lucas appears out of no where.

"Hey!" I smiled, I was pretty relieved to see him.

"Howdy," he smiled back and looked around, "is Maya not here today?"

"Yeah, she's out sick." I sighed and slammed my locker.

"You ok?"

"Not really, I'm not used to Maya not being with me during school. She almost never misses a day!"

"Really? I'd expect her to be the type of person that'd do anything to get out of it."

"Me too, she always complains about how she hates school. It's weird."

"Yeah, you think you'll be alright without her?"

"Not a bit! Can you and Farkle please do me a favor and just-"

"Don't worry, we won't set a footstep without you!"

"Thanks, you guys are the best." I hugged him and trotted to class.
Maya's POV:

I smiled as Topanga brought in a steaming hot bowl. I sat up and moved a little so she had room to sit.

"Really Mrs. Matthews, you don't have to do this! The medicine was enough itself." I croaked.

"Oh silly! You're like my second daughter, I care about you. I'm not going to just give you some pill and leave you." She laughed and sat on the bed.

"I know, I just don't want you to go out of your way and all."

"Don't worry about it, it's my job!" She handed me the bowl and spoon. "

"Thank you."

"No problem sweetheart." She kissed my forehead and left the room. I felt bad that she took a day off of work for me. She doesn't even know where I've been sneaking off to at night. I don't deserve this.

I didn't want to eat the soup, even though it was my favorite, chicken noodle soup. But if I don't eat it, Topanga would be a little curious and her work would've been for nothing.

So I shoved a spoonful in my mouth. I quickly spit it out. How could I forget that it's hot? I stuck out my now burnt tongue and frowned. On the positive side, the soup was delicious.
Riley's POV:

I ran up to the apartment, with my dad behind me.

"Calm down Riley!" He laughed.

"No way! I've been waiting all day to see Maya!" I knocked on the door.

"I'm sure she's been waiting all day as well."

My mom opened the door and I quickly ran up to my room without a hello or at least a wave.

"Maya!" I hopped into my room only to find her asleep.

"Fish sticks!" I muttered. I laid on the bed with her and looked at her peaceful face.

Wake up already! I've been waiting all day only to find you asleep! I was so tempted to shake her awake. But no, she's sick, she needs her rest. Meanwhile, I received a text from Farkle.

Farkle: You won't believe it! I found someone to hook Danny up with!

My face lit up as I read the text.

Riley: Oh my gosh! Who???

Farkle: My mom has a friends who's single. She's a babe and I doubt Danny would reject her!

Riley: This is great! Now all we need is someone to /gently/ defeat Maya!

Farkle: Lucas says that he's working on that. He's got a couple of people in mind.

Riley: Thank you so much Farkle! Now go and keep the plan running.

I squealed with happiness.

"What are you squealing at?" Maya groaned.

"Oh! I'm sorry if I woke you up."

"Nah it's fine." She smiled.

"You ok?"

"I am now that you're here."
Author's note:

Thank you for 10k on my first book!
I'm currently working on a new book. It's about how Riley and Maya first met and what happened with their relationship. (It's basically a Rilaya fanfiction but they don't start dating until the middle/end)

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