Chapter 6

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Topanga's POV:

Maya would spend the weekdays alone since Auggie had school and Cory had work. I obviously, had work too. Sometimes I'd worry she'd run away again. But I would always come home and still find her sitting on the couch, watching TV.

Cory and I bought her a smartphone since she lost her old one, so I would check up on her during my break.

During the weekends, I'd be at work and Cory would be out shopping. Cory would want to take Auggie and Maya shopping, but Maya would insist that she stay home and babysit Auggie. Cory and I weren't sure about it at first, but he would come home and find them both happy and safe.

When we were all home, Maya would either be in the living room, or up in Riley's room, staring off into space. I would always worry about her whenever I saw her sprawled across Riley's bed, staring at the floor. I would often find her in tears, or having an anxiety attack.

Auggie would always try to play with her when she was in the living room. At first she would hesitate, but then he would beg her and they both would be laughing and jumping on the couch. Maya understood that he missed having a sister.
Maya's POV:

Today was the day we got to visit Riley. I woke up, ripped the covers off of me, and got ready. I brushed my hair for once. There was tangles and knots everywhere. It took forever to get rid of every single one. My arm felt sore after I was done. Quickly after that, I took off my pajamas and put on my clothes, which Shawn packed up for me along with the rest of my stuff.

I didn't understand exactly why Shawn ignored me. I thought he apologized. I guess it has something to do with me basically sending Riley into a coma. But how can he be more upset about it then the Matthews?

I ran downstairs and into the car as Topanga announced that we were leaving. Cory drove as fast as he could to the hospital. We all took a deep breathe as we got out of the car. We went up to the floor Riley was in and waited a little in the waiting room.

"The Matthews?" The doctor approached us.

"Yes." Cory replied with a smile.

"Right this way." The doctor opened the door for us. The doctor eyed me for a second and stopped me.

"Oh no, family only."

I frowned as I turned back to the waiting room.

"Don't worry, she is family." I heard Topanga say. I turned back around and smiled at her. I quickly ran up to them and approached the room Riley was in.

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