Chapter 27

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Maya's POV:

My head pounded against my skull as I tried to wake up. The pain was unbearable. I had no idea what had happened last night. Last thing I remembered was that I was offered a drink and....oh yeah.

I limped to the bathroom and puked. I seriously wondered how I got back home, or if Riley noticed. Oh my god, Riley is going to kill me.

I limped back to the bed and hid under the sheets. I stuffed my head onto my pillow and sobbed.

"Maya." Riley whispered.

"I'm so stupid!"

"It's ok. I forgive you."

"Ughhh! My head hurts!"

"I'll get you an ice pack." She got off the bed and ran downstairs. How could she ever forgive me? I was drinking! I don't even forgive myself.

"Here you go." She placed the cold pack against my forehead. I observed her face.

"You don't forgive me."

"What? Why wouldn't I?"

"Because I drank! I'm only 14 and I drank!"

"Ok fine, I'm actually really disappointed."

"You're not angry?"

"I got over that part yesterday."

"Speaking of yesterday, how'd I get back here?"

"Lucas saw you trying to climb the fire escape so I dragged you in here. Then you said some pretty weird stuff and Lucas and I put you to bed. At first you wouldn't sleep so I said if you went to sleep I'd have sex with you the next morning and-"

"Wait a second! You told me you'd have sex with me?"

"Just to bribe you to sleep. I was angry and I don't know how to deal with drunks."


She eyed me and I pulled the covers over me again.
Riley's POV:

After school, I hung out with Maya for a bit until she left for the fight. I made her stay until Lucas and Farkle came. Then, we sneakily followed her to the restaurant/bar. As we excepted, Lucas' cousin was there and Danny was no where in sight.

"Where's Danny?" Maya yelled out as we hid behind the crowd.

"He's got a date tonight." Lucas' cousin approached her.

"Who are you? I've never seen you around."

"I'm the person he assigned you to fight."

"Really?" Maya looked up and down at him in fear.

"Yeah, he said you could defiantly take me."

"Well if Danny really believes that...let's do this." Maya sighed, rolling up he sleeves. Everyone cheered, except me.

I gulped as Lucas' cousin pushed her against the wall and put his arm against her neck. She struggled for air and weakly scratched his arm.

"Uhh...Lucas don't you think he's going a little too hard on her?" I asked.

"Don't worry, he knows what he's doing."

"Ok." I looked back at Maya, we was now on the floor, gasping for air. She quickly got up and jumped on him. They both landed on the floor as Maya started to claw out Lucas' cousin's face.

"Not the face, kid!" He yelled out, pushing her away.

"Shut up!" She spat out, throwing a punch to his nose, which was now bleeding.

"Alright, you asked for it!" He got up and smacked her head, which caused her to lose her balance. She quickly grabbed onto one of the chairs. "Give up yet?"

"Never!" She yelled out.

"Alright." He grabbed her by the hem of her shirt and lifted her up into the air. That's when Maya and I both had fear written all over our face.

He threw her onto the floor. She tried to get up, but he grabbed a chair and held it above her. Her eyes widened as she was now on her wobbling feet.

"Wait-!" She cried out while he hit the chair against her back. I looked at Lucas with my fear-struck eyes, begging him to make his cousin stop.

His cousin now had a beer bottle in his hand. Maya didn't need him to smash it against her for her to give up. She was now on the floor again, tears were running down her face as she stared at the crowd who used to be rooting for her.

"Stop! Stop already! I give up!" She wailed.

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