Chapter 28

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Maya's POV:

I walked home with my head down and my tears dripping down to the concrete floor. It was raining and I didn't even have a jacket, not that I cared. The hard raindrops pricked my bare skin. I was freezing cold, numb, and in so much pain. I didn't care though, I deserved it. I was now known as a failure by the only people who didn't think so.

I couldn't go back there and fight anymore. I couldn't face Danny an his friends again. Because now they know the truth; that I'm a failure. I'm a failure at everything. I'm a failure at art. I'm a failure at having a family. I'm a failure at caring about people. I'm a failure at friendships. I'm a failure at fighting now. I'm even a failure at dating. I can't even keep my girlfriend happy for fuck's sake!

I felt like throwing up. I just kept sobbing and walking in the cold rain. I finally reached home, climbed up the fire escape, and looked into the apartment window. There I saw Riley and Farkle talking on her bed.

I didn't enter, I didn't deserve to be in her warm, caring arms right now. I sat outside the window, getting soaked up by the rain. My whole body was sore, especially my back. The pain felt good though, so I kept punching myself and pounding my head against the brick wall.

"Maya?" I heard her say. She opened the window and dragged me inside. "You're soaking wet!"

"Yeah, I know." I sat next to the window, shivering and continuously pounding my head against the wall.

"Stop that!"

I didn't listen, I just did it even harder this time. I could feel myself getting dizzier and dizzier.

"I'll leave you two alone." Farkle climbed out the window. Riley waved at him and quickly turned her attention back at me.

"Maya, stop!" Riley tried to pull me away from the wall. I pushed her away.

"Leave me alone." I said coldly.

"Maya, what's wrong?"

"I lost a fight, you were right."

"I'm sorry."

"I'm a failure! I don't deserve anything! I can't believe how I ever thought I was actually good at something. I was so stupid!"

"Don't say that."

"Just...just leave me alone."

"Ok." She put her head down and sat on her bed. After a little, she ended up falling asleep. I stayed up, crying and thinking. Eventually, I slept on the window seat.
Riley's POV:

We didn't have school today. I got up and saw Maya sleeping next to the window. Her eyes were red and puffy. I felt so bad for setting up the plan, but it was defiantly worth it. Because not only was she going to stop fighting, but we were going to spend more time together.

I didn't wake up Maya. I decided to let her sleep in, it was the least I could do for her after yesterday. Instead, I ran downstairs and prepared breakfast for everyone.

"Riley?" My mom whispered.

"Oh hey!"

"What are you doing up so early? It's 5am!"

"I'm always up this early."

She walked closer to me. "Preparing breakfast?"

"For the whole family." I smiled.

"Aww." She hugged me. "Anything I can help with?"

"Just sit over there and relax."
Author's note:

I've just published the first chapter of my new story "Girl Meets Hart." Go ahead and check it out!

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