Chapter 23

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Maya's POV:

After a short day of school, I found myself putting on makeup and getting dressed again. I could barely remember what happened today, but that was normal for me, as everyday always went by quickly and my thoughts were always fuzzy. Riley was leaning against the wall, sighing as she texted Lucas to come over. She didn't bother texting Farkle this late at night, especially a school night.

After Lucas knocked on the window, I let him in and quickly rushed out the door, not bothering to even wave at him. I was pissed at him anyway. He always asked too many questions, like he was worried about me, like he actually cared about me, like I was his friend.

Wait, Lucas is my friend, what am I thinking? But if he was really my friend, why am I thinking this way? Ugh, just shut the fuck up, Maya.

I hopped to the restaurant/bar, met up with the opponent Danny set me up with, and got in fighting position. This was my favorite part of the day. I really enjoyed fighting, but not because I liked hurting people. Because I was good at it and I never lost. It gave me confidence. I knew I had a talent in drawing, but it never gave me confidence. It gave me the opposite, because I've never actually been "better" than anyone. I always felt like my art wasn't good, even though I enjoyed it.

And yet another large grin appeared on my face as the crowd went wild and my opponent was on the floor. Except this time, I wasn't exactly smiling. After hearing everyone congratulate me, I walked back home in the pouring rain. I felt the delicate, small drops burn against my skin. I could feel the negativity taking over my body. It made sense though, I've been too happy lately, and what comes up, must come down.
Riley's POV:

"Alright, so what you're saying is that we defeat Maya?" I questioned in total confusion.

"Yeah! I mean, she likes fighting because she always wins, so what if she looses? Wouldn't it make sense that she'd probably dislike it a little more?" Lucas explained.

"What? I don't want to get her spirit killed!"

"But just think about it. It's the only way she'll stop! Trust me Riley, I care about Maya, but I don't want her to continue living like this. It's more dangerous than her getting her spirit killed a little, right?"

"I guess so," I looked down, "but how do you suppose we defeat her?"

"We just need to get someone tougher to fight her."

"But what about that Danny guy? She only fights who he assigns to her."

"Yes, but look what Farkle wrote down here!" He pointed at a bullet point that Farkle made in his notepad. Danny is always at the bar, unless he has a date.

"I guess we just need to get him a date then." I smiled.

After coming up with plans on who to hook Danny up with, we took a break and slid everything under my bed.

"Hey Lucas?"


"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For helping me with this. I could have never done this without you or Farkle."

"Well, I care about you and Maya. I don't want to see either of you getting hurt again."

The again part sort of shocked me. I knew he was referring to when Maya and I ran away.

"Again." I repeated. I looked at Lucas.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to remind you of all that."

"It's ok, I should be able to at least talk about this by now."

"If you're not completely comfortable with talking about it, I'd rather you not."

"No, I'm ok. I'm supposed to be able to talk about this, especially to one of my close friends. Are you ready?"

"Go ahead." He got in a more comfortable position and listened as I explained everything, from beginning to end. At most parts, I started to choke up. Once I was finally done, I was ready to cry.

"I'm sorry." Was all I could say as tears ran down my face. I didn't want to cry in front of Lucas.

"It's ok. It's all over now." Lucas cooed. I couldn't help but hug him and break down. He was really comforting after all.

After I wasted all my tears, Lucas helped me up and washed my face. I smiled as he washed away every last tear.

"Thank you." I murmured. He kissed my cheek and we sat on the bed until Maya finally came back. We expected her to be coming through the window, acting all confident and tough. But she didn't even come in, she just sat outside, letting the rain soak into her.

"Maya?" I opened the window.

"Oh, hey." She looked back at me, then quickly drifted back to looking up at the sky.

"Aren't you going to come in?"

"No, I'm fine right here."

"Are you ok?"

"Better than ever."
Author's note:

Thank you for 3k reads <3

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