Chapter 38

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Topanga's POV:

I sat on the couch next to Cory and Auggie. We were watching tv as I felt my phone buzz besides me. I picked it up and looked at the screen. It was a text from Angela.

Angela: Shawn and I've got dinner reservations at 7. You guys wanna come?

"Hey Cory, are you free at 7?" I asked.

"I am, why?" He replied, glancing at my phone.

"Angela and Shawn invited us for dinner."

"Oh goodie!" He grinned.

Topanga: Sure thing!

Angela: Great! We'll pick you guys up at 6:30. Make sure everyone is ready.

Topanga: Will do. See you guys then.

I turned off my phone. "Guys, be sure that you're dressed and ready by 6:30. Shawn and Angela will be picking us up."

"Ok, you should probably go tell the girls."

"Don't do that! They need their privacy." Auggie exclaimed. We both looked at him.

"And why would the girls need their privacy so much?"

"Oh you know why!" He smirked.

"Auggie!" I gave him a look and walked upstairs. I knocked on the girls door. Complete silence. I knocked again, and still silence. I tried twisting the knob, but it didn't budge.

"The girls locked the door!" I ran back downstairs.

"What?" Cory got up and ran upstairs.

"I told you!" Auggie smiled.
Riley's POV:

"Maya? Maya?" I shook her. She was still breathing, but she was pale. I began to choke up. "Maya!"

She let out a weak groan. I let out a sigh of relief.

"Maya? Are you ok?!" I shook her once more. Her arms trembled as she tried to get up. I helped her sit up against the brick wall.

She opened her blue, bloodshot eyes. Tears quickly filled her eyes as she began to wheeze.

"Maya?" I whispered.

"Y-yeah?" She croaked.

"What happened? Are you ok?"

"I-I'm fine. I just g-got beat up by some guy."

"What!? I thought you quit fighting!"

"I did. This wasn't exactly a fight. He and his buddies just found me and beat me up, it's a long story. Let's get back to the apartment." She tried to stand up.

"Maya! You can barely even stand up! And your face is scratched up and your leg is bleeding-!"

"Thank you, I was very unaware of that."

"Now's not the time to be sarcastic. Here, just hold on to me." I wrapped her arms around myself and got up.
Cory's POV:

After unlocking the door with a key, we found out that the girls weren't in the room.

"That's impossible! Riley was just here before I went downstairs!" Topanga stared at the empty room in disbelief.

"What about Maya?" I questioned.

"She-she wasn't here! But Riley told me they were playing a game and-"

"Here, I'll go look for them." I opened the window and climbed out the fire escape.

Topanga and Auggie watched from the room. After I reached the end, I stared into the alley. There I saw Riley walking out of the alley with Maya holding on to her. Maya looked beaten up. Riley's eyes quickly opened up with shock as she saw me.

"Maya!" She whispered. Maya looked up at me and looked back down, a tear dripping down.

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