Chapter 37

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Maya's POV:

I watched Riley sleep peacefully beside me. I caught myself closing my eyes. I quickly opened them widely. I couldn't go to sleep, no. I was still terrified from the dream.

I decided to go downstairs and make some coffee. I tried to be as quiet as possible. I added extra coffee just incase. I took a sip, it was bitter as fuck. I should've probably added sugar, or at least learned how to properly make coffee, but oh well.

I walked back to the room with my boiling hot coffee. I took another sip and set it on the nightstand. Oh but what am I going to do for the next 5 hours? I could always go outside and cruise around the city.

And that's exactly what I did.
Riley's POV:

I woke up, finding that Maya wasn't in the bed. Maybe she's just downstairs. Oh who am I kidding? She's outside, probably drinking. But it was morning, and she was usually back by 3am.

I found a half empty cup of coffee on the nightstand. I decided to take a sip, and I immediately spit it out. This was way too bitter. This couldn't be Maya's.

I suddenly heard a knock on the door. Shit.

"Come in!" I yelled out.

My mom entered the room. "Hey sweetie-wait." She looked at the empty bed space. "Where's Maya?"

"I-I...uh don't know." I stuttered nervously.

"What? Well she's certainly not downstairs or in the bathroom, so she has to be here."

"And how do you know that?"

"I was just downstairs, and your father is currently taking a shower in the bathroom."

"Maybe she's just...hiding."

"Hiding? Why would she hide?"

"We're playing hide and seek! That's why I don't know where she is...yeah, that's it!"

"What? Riley you look like you just woke up, and why would you guys be playing hide and seek?"

"Mom, just because we're teenagers doesn't mean we can't have fun!" I folded my arms and pretended to be slightly pissed.

"I...I give up. Just tell her I need to talk to her once you find her."

"Will do."

Once she left the room, I began to panic. I couldn't keep lying to my parents. I needed to find her, but I couldn't just leave the apartment. God dammit Maya!

Of course, I had no other choice but to go out looking for her. I locked my door, got dressed, and ran down the fire escape. As I reached the end, I could see Maya's blonde hair shine in the alley. She looked like she was laying on the ground. Shit.

I ran down the alley to her. There was a slight trail of blood that led to her. I just hoped the blood wasn't hers. She was laying unconscious on the ground. She was curled up and her back faced me.

"Maya?" I nudged her.


I flipped her towards me. I looked in horror at her bloody, scratched up face.

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