Chapter 24

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Maya's POV:

Riley crawled outside with a jacket in her hands. She laid the jacket on top of our heads and looked up where I was looking. We stared at the beautiful wet, evening sky for so long until we caught ourselves staring into each other's eyes. Her's was like a pure golden sunset. I looked at her red face. I could tell that she was crying, and I'm pretty sure she could tell that I was too.

Riley ended up sleeping on my shoulder. I kissed her head and held her. I tried carrying her back into her bed, but I ended up tripping and falling onto the bedroom floor. So I closed the window and slept on the floor with her.
Topanga's POV:

I woke up and checked the clock. 6:00am sharp. I woke up Cory and went to go wake up the kids.

I peeked through Riley's room. There I saw Riley on the floor, while Maya was cuddling right besides her.

"Awww!" I whispered to Cory.

"What?" Cory came up to me and looked through the door.

"Aren't they the cutest?"

"Haha yeah. They remind me of a certain couple." He grinned. I instantly knew who he was talking about and was so close to smacking him.


"Yep! Me and my Shawnie."

And that's when I playfully smacked him. "Honey, you're married and Shawn has Angela. Don't you think-"


"But you didn't even let me finish-"


"I swear to god I will smack you-"


And that's when I playfully smacked him again.

"Owwww." He cried out.

"You baby, I barely even touched you!"

"Did so."

"Did not!"

"Did so."

"Did not!"

I heard a voice giggling. We looked back into the room and there was Riley, giggling as she overheard our conversation. We both flushed with embarrassment.

"Well now that you're up, why don't you wake up Maya and Auggie? And hurry up before your breakfast gets cold!"

"Alright, alright!" She got up from the floor and started to wake up Maya. I ran downstairs and put some toaster pastries in the toaster.
Maya's POV:

I coughed as Riley woke me up.

"Woah are you ok?" Riley jumped.

"What do you mean?" I croaked.

"Your voice! It sounds weird!"

"Gee thanks, that's what everyone wants to hear." I picked up my head from the floor and suddenly it felt heavy as fuck.

"No really. Are you feeling ok? I think you might be sick." Riley frowned.

"Ugh no! My head hurts!" I coughed out.

"I'll go get my parents." Riley ran out of the room and down the stairs. Topanga came rushing it with a thermometer.

"Are you feeling ok sweetie?" Topanga worried.

"Not really."

She placed her hand on my forehead. "Hmm, you're a little hot. Let me take your temperature."

I opened my mouth and she stuck the thermometer under my tongue.

"It's 100. I don't think you'll be going to school today!"

"Well that's too bad."

"Wait, do I still have to go?" Riley asked.

"Well of course silly! You're not sick." Topanga laughed.

"But what about Maya?"

"Oh don't worry honey, I'll stay home to make sure she's fine. You've got nothing to worry about!"

"I can't go to school without Maya."


"You'll be fine! Come on, get ready."

I watched as Topanga and Riley left the room. I got up onto the bed and drifted back to sleep.

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