Chapter 33

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Maya's POV:

After another long day of laying on the bed and sobbing quietly, I waited for Riley to sleep and got dressed. She ended up sleeping in the room, even though she wasn't supposed to. It's not like her parents were going to find out anyway.

I looked back at Riley, who was sleeping peacefully on the bed, as I opened the window. I know she hates me drinking. I know she wouldn't want me to leave her alone. But hey, she was sleeping.

"Where do you think you're going?" She snapped at me as I set one foot outside the window. Shit, I was almost sure she was sleeping.

"Wh-what do you mean?"

"You're going out to drink aren't you!?"

"And what if I was?" I said, getting more angry than I should. "It's none of your business!"

"Well since you enjoy drinking so much, I'll do it with you."

"You can't drink Riley."

"And why not?"


"If you're going, I'm going with you!"

"Riley you can't!"

"Then you can't either."

"You know what? Fine! You can go ahead and come with me!"

"I-I will." Riley shook as she got up and got dressed. I knew she didn't actually think that I would've told her that, I was surprised that I even said that. I didn't know what was up with me.

"Come on."

"Let's go." She gulped. We both went out the window and climbed down the fire escape.

"Just be sure not to talk to any guys there. They'll defiantly rape you."


"I'm not joking. Just be careful."

She looked down at the ground and stood closer to me. We stepped into the restaurant/bar. I watched as her eyes filled with fear while she looked at everyone there.
Riley's POV:

I followed Maya, who sat next to Danny.

"Who's this chick?" Danny asked.

"My girlfriend." Maya smiled.

"Prove it."

She grabbed me and passionately kissed me by surprise.

"Nice! You two want a drink?" He asked.

"Defiantly." Maya looked over at me as someone handed me a bottle of beer. Danny handed Maya a bottle for herself.

I looked down at the brown bottle. Was I really going to do this? I can't! But I have to. But what if it tastes bad? Do I spit it out? What if everyone here thinks I'm a baby?

I watched as Maya quickly opened up her bottle and started gulping down. I can do this. Come on Riley!

"Need help with opening that?" Maya turned around and grabbed my bottle before even answering.

"I guess."

She popped open the cap and handed it back to me. She stared at me with a slight grin as I stared at the bottle, not knowing what to do with it.

"Come on Riles. Drink it! I thought you wanted to drink with me." Maya taunted.

I felt myself getting angry as I listened to the evil tone in her voice. You can't drink this! Just look at what it's done to Maya. She's not even Maya anymore! She's a completely different person, someone worse, much worse. Do you really want to be that evil, drunk person? Oh but look, everyone is pressuring you into doing it. It's just one bottle, right?

"Riles? Are you going to drink it or what?"

I stared at Maya. Then I glanced back at the bottle. And then I made a mistake I thought I would never make in my life. I took a sip.

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