Chapter 32

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Riley's POV:

I sat on the couch, wrapped in my blanket. It was the evening and I wasn't allowed to be in my bedroom with Maya. I couldn't sleep due to being alone and scared. I rocked myself as I heard faint strange noises.

After a while, I couldn't take it anymore. I quietly sneaked upstairs into my room, hoping Maya was still awake, or at least in the apartment. I looked into the room, seeing Maya laying on the bed, hands on her chest, while listening to music.

"Pssst, hey." I whispered.

She quickly shot up. "Hey."

"You're still up?"

"Yeah, I'm used to it. What are you doing?"

"I, um, couldn't sleep."

"Awww, look at that! You're so used to sleeping with me you can't even sleep by yourself!" She moved over for me to sit and patted her hand on the spot, gesturing me to sit. "Sit honey."

I sat next to her. She smiled and placed one of her earbuds in my ear. The sweet melody of the music filled into my head.

"That's really beautiful." I smiled.

"I know, it's my mom's favorite song. It helps me feel less homesick and puts me to sleep." She looked down.

"You miss her?"

"A little. I know she isn't the best parent, but I still love her. In fact, I kinda miss my old life. The good old days where I was crushing on you, had no dad, and no money." She chuckled.

I looked at her in sympathy.

"It's just, sometimes I feel a little homesick. But I always remember that this is my home, this is my new, better life. I have everything I could ever ask for now except for one thing..."



"I'm sorry."

"It's ok," she held my hand, "I was never that happy throughout my life anyway. I just feel more empty and shallow now, that's why I've been drinking. But I've got everything, I have a girlfriend, a family, friends, and even food whenever I want."

"I know what you mean."

"You do?"

"Well, I wasn't really planning on telling you this anytime soon but, you know how I've always seemed to avoid being alone?"


"It's because I'm literally scared of being alone."

"Since when?"

"Since the coma. I've never been able to be alone. And you know, ever since I've starved myself, I haven't been completely happy either. I don't know why. I should be though, right? My life was great, and now it's even better so I should be happy, but I'm not."

"Well you don't have to be alone for as long as I live." Maya squeezed my hand. "How about I sleep with you on the couch tonight? Your parents never said anything about us not being aloud to sleep on the couch." She smirked.
Maya's POV:

Riley and I cuddled on the couch, each of us having an earbud and listening to the song.

"Maya?" She whispered.


"I'm glad you didn't go out today."

"I-I'm glad too." I bit my lip as she reminded me of the taste of alcohol.

She looked up at me and kissed me. "I missed spending the night with you."

I kissed her back. Then she kissed me. Then I kissed her again and it turned into a make out. I could hear her slight purring.

"Goodnight Maya."

"Goodnight Riles."

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