Chapter 13

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Riley's POV:

I woke up with the biggest headache. I didn't feel like getting up, so I looked around the room. It was a huge mess. How did that happen? I look over next to me. There was Maya, who was still sleeping. She had a finger sized cut on her cheek. How did that happen? I glance down at my arm, which had a bracelet that I didn't recognize on it. It looked pretty expensive. How did that happen?

I picked up a piece of paper that was next to my bed. We love you! - from Lucas and Farkle. I remember this from the gift they gave me right before they left, which was a bracelet- which explains the bracelet on my hand. Everything started coming back to me. But one thing still wasn't clear to me. How'd Maya get that cut on her face?

I knew Maya liked to sleep in, but I really wanted to wake her up. I feared being alone. I poked at her a few times. She only let out a groan.

"Maya? Maya, please wake up." I whispered into her ear.

"I'll chop off your head if you keep poking me!" She growled in her sleep. I immediately stop poking her. She turns around and opens her eyes.

"Oh, it's just you! Sorry about that Riles." She laughed nervously. That was weird. I smiled. "Soo... What's up?"

"Nothing! I... Uh... Just thought you might like to spend some alone time before anyone wakes up!"

"No, there's a different reason you woke me up."

"There's... Uh... A huge cut on your face."

"That's not the reason either."

"I just... I just don't like being alone."

"There it is! Why didn't you just say so?"

"I don't know... But seriously, explain the huge cut on your face."

"Oh this? It's nothing, really."


"What? I'm serious."


"Oh fine! I kinda sorta got into a fight."

"With who?"

"It doesn't matter."

"With WHO?"


"What?! Why?"

"He insulted me-us! He's a huge homophobe."

"What? How'd things turn out?"

"Well, let's just say I won."

"What'd you do to him?"

"Smash one of Shawn's beer bottles on his head."

"You kept one of Shawn's empty beer bottles?"

"Hey! It had to come in handy."

I sigh and jump off the bed. Maybe today won't be such a bad day.
Maya's POV:

Things were starting to look up for me. It boosted up my self confidence- a lot. I even beat up Josh's stupid ass! To think that I ever thought he was cute absolutely disgusted me.

I sat on the couch, kissing and cuddling with Riley. No body was up yet. As I was cuddling Riley, I heard a purring noise. I quickly look up at Riley.

"What?" She noticed my weird face.

"Is that you?" I ask her.

"What's me?"

"The purring noise!"

"No." She looked confused. I shrugged it off and continued to cuddle her. We then started making out. The purring noise began again.

"It is you!" I detach my lips from hers.

"What? That's crazy!" She smiled nervously. We heard a loud tapping on the stairs. We separate and look over at the stairs. Topanga came down the stairs with her suitcase and papers. She seemed tired and was rubbing her forehead.

"Good morning Mom." I flash a smile.

"Good morning sweetheart." She looked over at Riley and I. "Oh, if you two were..."

"It's alright, we don't mind."

"No no! You two go right back ahead. I'm about to leave for work anyway."

"Thanks mom. Do you need anything?" Riley asks her.

"No, I'm fine! Are you alright though? I know you just got out of the hospital and I need to make sure you're completely fine. Do you want me to take a day off for you?"

"I'm completely fine! Don't worry, Maya can get me anything I need while you're gone. Right Maya?"

"Right ma'am!" I saluted.

"Alright, well I'll see you girls later," she kisses our foreheads and grabs her jacket "you girls can help yourselves to anything for breakfast."

"Bye mom!" We both chirped.

"Bye girls!" She waved as she shut the door behind her.

Riley and I go right back to making out while Riley kept strangely purring.

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