Chapter 18

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Shawn's POV:

I spent the last few days with Angela. We had a lot to catch up on. Of course, she had work and was gone most of the day. She worked an hour away, which really sucked. We spent most of the nights making out and talking. Oh yeah, did I mention she asked me out?

After the first night we met again, she made me swear that I'd never drink if she moved in. Of course, I agreed. She made me start looking for a job, while she looked for a job closer to here. I couldn't be any happier.

Although, one thing has been really bugging me the second that it happened. I yelled at Maya. I almost hit a beer bottle at both Riley and Maya. I wanted to apologize to them. However, I didn't want to call Cory. I knew he was pissed at me, he's been pissed at me for a while. I didn't want to annoy him anymore. It's not like I was good for him anyway.
Maya's POV:

I would always try to pick fights, even the smallest ones. I found it fun. It was fun to see myself kick people's asses. Every time I won, I kept gaining more strength and confident. Would could be better?

Of course, I kept this a secret from everyone. I would pick a target from school, tell them to meet me at an alley around midnight, then sneak out of bed. Soon enough, I ran out of targets from school. I decided to move more higher.

I would walk on the streets during midnight, looking older than I do. I'd start throwing little insults at someone, then wait until they had enough. So far, I hadn't lost one single fight.

It was another night of fighting. I waited until Riley and the rest of the family was asleep. I quietly got ready, then snuck out the window. I walked down the street, spotting for someone not too big but not too small. I saw a group of guys, who had to be around 15-16 years old, lurking around a liquor store.

"Hey you!" I yelled out to the person who seemed like the leader.

"Who, me?" The guy looked around.

"Yeah, you got a name?"

"It's Tj. What's your's?"

"That's not important right now. You-"

"Of course it's important. Come on tell me, what's your name?"

"It's Hart."


"Yeah thanks anyway, you got a girlfriend, Tj?"

"Nah, not yet." He high-fived his buddies and smirked.

"No wonder."

"Excuse me?"

"Nobody likes a guy with a squirrel on his face."

"Hey, watch it!"

"In fact, no one likes guys that pretend to be so tough."

"Say another word and you'll get your face pounded, punk!"

"You think you can take me?"

"I can take anyone!"

"Alright, let's go." I take off my leather jacket.


"I said let's go! We're gonna fight."

"I can't hit a girl!"

"You just said you could take me."

"I didn't mean literally."

"Come on up and fight me you fat ass baby."

"Alright that's it! Boys, hold my jacket." He took off his jacket and rolled up his sleeves. We went into the alley next to us and got ready.

"How old are you anyway? 14?" Tj squinted. I laughed as he guessed my actual age.

"Nice try, I'm 16. Now quit stalling!" I lied.
Riley's POV:

It was finally Saturday. Which meant, no school. I woke up and found Maya innocently sleeping besides me. Except, something seemed different. Was she wearing makeup?

I turn her over so I could see her entire face. Bright red lipstick and dark mascara. Why would she wear that to sleep? In fact, where'd she get this makeup? There was also something else. A huge fat bruise on her cheek.

I grew angry as I fixed the pieces up together. She was obviously sneaking out at night and fighting. I stomped out of the room and down the stairs.

"Riley, are you ok?" My mom looked at me as I angrily plopped myself on to the kitchen table.

"Just fine!" I barked.

"Are you sure? You can tell me anything, sweetie."

"Yes! I'm all good." I said in a more relaxed tone.

Maya yawned as she dragged herself down the stairs. I get up and drag her back into my room.

"Why?!" I blurted out.

"Why what?"

"I know what you did. Why?! I thought we discussed this."

"Riles, don't worry about it. I'm fine."

"I don't care! You shouldn't be doing this stuff."

"It's fun and I'm not going to stop, no matter what you say."

"Well then I'm telling my parents!"

"NO! Riley wait, please don't tell them. They'll kick me out!"

"Maybe you should've thought of that!"

"Please don't tell them! Pleeeeeease. I'll do whatever you want." She begged.

"Ok fine!" I mumbled.

"Thank you! You're the best!" She kisses my cheek and runs back downstairs. Oh, what am I going to do about Maya Hart?

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