Chapter 22

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Riley's POV:

We were outside the bar, watching through the window. Maya and the guy who looked like he was 16, started to exchange punches and kicks. I whimpered every time I saw Maya get hit, as if I could feel her pain. Lucas and Farkle were writing down some stuff on a small notepad.


We quickly drifted our attention back to the fight. There we saw the 16 year old on the floor, bleeding out of his nose. I'm pretty sure I saw a tooth on the ground. Maya grinned widely and put her foot on his back as she heard the crowd go wild.

Some guy who was talking to her earlier came up to her and patted her on the back. I wondered who he was. Farkle thought that the man might be important so he put on a disguise and sat near them, eavesdropping on their conversation.

I wanted so badly to stop Maya. Not only because there was a huge possibility she was going to get hurt, but because of everything else. What if she gets over-confident of herself? What if fighting becomes an even bigger habit for her? What if she starts hanging out with the wrong people and start doing the wrong things? Just the idea of her fighting felt wrong to me.

Farkle came back a few minutes later with a whole bunch of stuff written down.

"So what were they saying?" I asked.

"Something about the guy, whose name is apparently Danny, wanting to set Maya up with more people to fight."

"What? She can't do that!" Lucas started getting mad again.

"Calm down, that's why we're doing all this." Farkle patted his head.

"Oh yeah."

"I think we should leave. We've got all the information we need."

And with that, we ran back to the apartment.
Maya's POV:

I limped back to the apartment. There was a huge bruise on my knee. The guy was a serious kicker. It got seriously painful to climb up the fire escape, but I sucked it up and dragged myself. I knock on the window, trying to look like I was in better shape because Lucas and Farkle were there.

"Hey Maya!" Farkle waved as I gently came in.

"Hey guys." I squeaked, trying harder than ever to ignore the pain shooting from my knee.

"You ok?" Lucas worried.

"Just fine. Why would you ask that?"

"Maybe because you're avoiding moving your leg."

"Oh, this stupid thing? I sorta twisted my ankle as I came up here, but I'm fine, don't worry about it."

"You sure?"


"Whatever you say then."

The pain got even worse. "Alright now get out! Both of you!" I held back from screaming in pain. I watched as Farkle and Lucas rushed out the window.

"Maya! That was rude!" Riley scolded.

"Look, I don't need your mothering right now-OH MY GOD IT HURTS." I yelled out.

"What hurts? What happened?"

"Nothing! Nothing! I'll take care of it myself." I got up and started to limp to the kitchen.

"No, Maya! Sit on the bed." She demanded.

"Oh fine." I sighed and slumped myself on the bed. Riley walked out and came back shortly with an ice pack.

"Where is it?"

"There." I pouted and pointed at my right knee.

She gently placed the ice pack on my knee. "Just keep it there, ok?"


She smiled and ran out the room again. She then came back with a medium first aid kit.

"Don't move!" She took out some bandaging materials.

"Don't worry about that."

She tied the ice pack to my knee as I sat on the bed. "There you go!" She smiled.

"Thanks Riles."

"Just... Just be more careful next time." She sat up next to me on the bed.

"Ok, I'm sorry." I looked down.

"Don't worry about it." She lifted my chin and pulled me into a kiss. It felt really good. It felt really good to feel loved.

"I forgot how good of a kisser you are." I smirked, breaking the kiss.

"Well how about I remind you again?"

I quickly pulled her back into a kiss and we started making out on the bed. We heard a knock on the door. I ignored it, not wanting to loose this feeling. I could feel Riley's eyes open. I broke the kiss and turned to the door, as Auggie stood at the doorway with wide eyes.

"Uh... Mom just wanted me to let you guys know that it's time for dinner, and it looks like you guys are pretty hungry..."

"Auggie!" Riley gave him an "I'm going to kill you" look.

He giggled and ran back downstairs.

"How cute is he?" I laughed.

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