Chapter 16

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Maya's POV:

"What'd you call my girlfriend?"

"A skinny ass hoe!"

"Why? Do you know the pain and suffering she's went through?" I grab her shirt.

"Don't touch me you fucking lesbian!"

"You know what? Meet me after school, we'll settle this then." I growled. I threw her against the floor. I walked to the gym, not looking back at her.

"What happened?" Riley ran up to me as I entered the gym.

"What'd what happen?" Lucas overheard us.

"Nothing, stay out of this Hop-along." I shooed him away.

"No seriously, what happened?" He looked at Riley this time.

"Maya got into an argument with one of the girls in the locker room."

"For what?"

"Stop with the questions!" I complained.

"The girl called me a..." Riley whispered the rest in his ear. Lucas' eyes widened.

"What?!" He yelled. "Who is this girl?"

"See what you did Riley? The more answers you give him the more questions he's going to ask! It's a never ending cycle!" I pounded my head against the wall as Riley ignored me and told him everything that happened.

"So, what happened in there?" Riley asked as she finished explaining.

"We kept complimenting each other and now we've got a play date after school." I said sarcastically. "What do you think happened?"

"You have a fight after school?" Lucas asks.

"No, I told you we had a fucking play date."

"Maya, you can't fight her!" Riley looks at me with wide eyes.

"Why not?"

"You can get suspended! And someone is going to get hurt!"

"Well duh, that's why we're doing it after school, and you do realize that the whole point of fight is so that someone gets hurt, right?"

She shook her head. "You can still get suspended for doing it on school property! And what if the person that gets hurt is you?!"

"Then we won't do it on school property! Don't worry, she'll be coughing up blood before she lays a finger on me!"

Riley let out a sigh as the gym teacher came in.
Riley's POV:

It was the last class of the day. I dreaded each second that went by. I didn't want this fight to happen. I know Maya is strong, but what if the other girl is stronger? What if they get caught? What if Maya gets a serious injury?

We were in art. As I stared at the clock and paid no attention, everyone else was painting. I found it surprising that the art teacher didn't notice this.

The bell blared, indicating that class was over. Oh great. I slowly walked with Maya to my locker. She observed my face.

"Hey, don't be nervous. I'll be fine, I swear!" She smiled.

"But what if you're not?"

"Riles, trust me, she's not that strong. I can easily take anyone down."

"I don't know..."

"Come on, you can come and watch and see how I'll be fine."

"Oh alright."

I dragged Farkle and Lucas behind me as I followed Maya and the other girl to a small field next to the park. There was a large crowd rooting for the other girl, who's name was Melissa. There was a much smaller crowd, rooting for Maya.

"That's your crowd? Hah! I'm basically already winning!" Melissa laughed at Maya.

"Whatever you say, but you'll be eating your own words after I kick your ass, bitch!" Maya cracked her knuckles.

"Oh that's it!" Melissa jumped onto Maya, throwing the first punch. I hid behind Lucas, not wanting to see what's going to happen.

I peaked out to make sure Maya was alright. She was already on top of Melissa, scratching and punching her face. She got off of her and started kicking her, until Melissa grabbed her leg and tripped her.

I just realized I was grasping onto Lucas' shirt every time Maya was the one being hit. Maya was now on the ground, Melissa looking down at her.

"You give up yet shorty?" She smiled.

"Not at all!" Maya got up and threw another punch, this time it was on her nose.

"You BITCH!" Melissa gasped, looking down at her now bleeding nose.

"This is what you get for insulting Riley!" Maya growled in between punches and kicks. She kicked her one last time on her leg. Melissa was on the floor again, panting and bleeding.

"Alright, I'm done. Some one call the ambulance. I can't get up!"

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