Chapter 30

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Riley's POV:

I jolted out of my sleep as I heard a large knock on the window. Before I checked who it was, I checked the time. 2:35am. I looked next to me and saw that it was empty. Oh no she didn't.

I walked over to the window and saw Maya, grinning widely. I opened up for her and watched as she stumbled in.

"Hey baby." She wrapped her arms around my waist. I knew instantly what was happening, but I was too tired to be angry.


"You look beautiful like always."

"Thanks-" My eyes opened widely as she pushed me against the wall. She smirked. "Maya what are you doing?"

"This." She stuck her tongue in my mouth.

I tried pulling back. I loved Maya, but I didn't like French kissing. She frowned as she noticed me struggling away.

"Oh darling Riley. I thought you loved me."

"I do."

She stuck her tongue back in my mouth and we made out. Her breath smelled like alcohol and it disgusted me. As much as I wanted to, I wasn't enjoying this.

While we made out, she moved me onto the bed. We continued making out on the bed, her on the top, and me on the bottom. I felt her tug on my shirt. No no no no.

She broke up the kiss and smirked as she saw the fear in my eyes. "Don't worry." She whispered.

I closed my eyes as she unbuttoned my pajamas. Why wasn't I slapping her hand away? Why wasn't I yelling at her for being drunk? Why wasn't I stopping all of this?

I felt her hand run down my neck to my stomach. My shirt was now off, being left with only my bra on to cover up my breasts.

"Your body is just as beautiful as your face." She slurred.

"Th-thank you." I choked out. This didn't feel like Maya. No, this wasn't Maya.

I squirmed as she unhooked my bra. This was defiantly not what I wanted. She just kept smirking at me, as if she enjoyed my fear.

"Maya don't-"

"Shhhh." She pulled off my pants as I covered up my breasts. This can not be actually happening.

She finally slid off my underwear, leaving me completely naked. I tried covering myself with my blanket, but she kept pulling it off.

"Stay right here." She demanded as she left the room.

I had to get out of this. I wrapped my blanket around me and looked for somewhere to hide. The only place to hide was in the closet, so I quickly shoved myself in there.

"Riley, sweetheart." Maya called out in an almost evil voice.

I made sure the blanket covered me up from head to toe. I could hear every footstep she took. I shook as I heard them getting closer and closer. Then they finally stopped. I sighed in relief.

"Trying to hide from me? How adorable!" She teased as she pressed herself against me.

I screamed in fear as she popped out of nowhere. She quickly put her hand over my mouth.

"Shhh! It's alright." She got up and dragged me back to the bed.

I could now see that she was only in her bra and underwear.

"Let's continue this, shall we?" She went under the covers and removed her bra and underwear. This must be a nightmare.

We continued to make out, her on top of me, touching and sliding her hands around my naked body. We kept going until we were knocked out.
Author's note:

Last chapter for today. Sorry for the shorter chapters lately! I'll be sure to create a longer one soon.

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