Chapter 36

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Angela's POV:

Shawn and I both stood up as Maya walked down to the living room. Riley was still near the door, smiling. Maya stared at Shawn with a blank face.

"Hey kiddo!" Shawn held his arms out for a hug.

"Shawn." Maya choked out, not giving in.

"And Angela!" I chimed in. Everyone stared at me. "Ok, ok!"

"What's the matter?" Shawn frowned, "did I do anything wrong?"

"You only did everything wrong." Maya crossed her arms.

"I'm...I'm sorry."

"Sorry doesn't make everything better."

"What do you want me to do?"

"Get out."

"Alright, fine. Just don't forget that I'm sorry." Shawn and I started to walk out the door. Riley quickly blocked it.

"Sit down! All of you!" She demanded. Everyone except Maya sat down.

"Riley what are you doing?! Don't you remember what he did?"

"Yeah, I do."

"Then why are you doing this?"

"Because I care about you. About all of you." Riley smiled. Maya sighed and sat down.

"You've got two minutes!" Maya eyed us.

"Look, I've quit drinking, I swear. Angela even helped me." Shawn explained.

"I did." I confirmed.

"That doesn't help everything." Maya stated.

"What? What else did I do?" Shawn put his hands up.

"You ignored me. You kicked me out!"

"I didn't mean to."

"Well you did and I never understood why. I blamed it on myself."

"Maya I'm sorry. I was just going through a tough time. I love you, I truly do. And I thought when you ran was all my fault. I thought you guys were mad at me, I though you hated me."

"Uncle Shawn, we don't hate you!" Riley hugged him.

"I'm glad to know that." He smiled.

"Well, aside from that, we've got great news!" I squealed, "where's the rest of the family?"

"They're probably sleeping, I'll go get them!" Riley rushed up the stairs. After a few moments, all I saw was Cory run downstairs and jump onto Shawn. They did their little guy thing and Topanga quickly comes downstairs and hugs me. Auggie lastly comes downstairs, still a little drowsy.

"Where's the news? Tell me the news!" Cory freaked. We all laughed.

"Here it is." Shawn intertwined my hand with his.

"We're getting engaged!" I lifted our hands and smiled.

"Wooooo no way!" Everyone cheered in excitement.

"Congratulations guys." Cory faked himself into tearing up. "I'll miss ya, Shawn!"
Maya's POV:

After a long and crazy day with Shawn and Angela, I slouched on the bed while everyone was still downstairs. I turned on my phone and scrolled through my music list. Riley walks in with a pure smile on her face.

"What are you doing?" She asks.

I felt too tired to talk so I flipped my phone screen towards her so she could see.

"Music? Blugh I hate your music taste so much." Riley joked.

"Shut up! Like yours is any better!" I laughed.

"At least I don't listen to alternative and electronic music!"

"At least I don't listen to that annoying pop music you blast on through your headphones!"

"Alright you win." Riley sat on the bed next to me.

I plugged in my head phones and started playing through my music.

Riley stole an earphone and popped in her own ear. We both sat on the bed quietly, listening to the relaxing music. "Ya know, this actually isn't so bad."

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