Chapter 26

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Maya's POV:

"Alright, I'm going now!" I said to Riley as I walked into the room.

"Uhh...don't you think you should rest? You have a fever incase you didn't know."

"I'll be fine. Your mom gave me some medicine and chicken noodle soup."

"Oh I love her chicken noodle it's so delicious!"

"I know right!" I laughed.

"Well, have fun, just call Farkle and Lucas up."

I opened the window. "I did, they're on their way and Farkle should be here any-"

"Minute!" Farkle popped out of nowhere.

"And there he is! Bye!" I ran out of the window and suddenly saw Lucas climbing up. "Lucas incoming!"

I ran down the fire escape and passed by Lucas without a word like always.
Riley's POV:

"Danny and my Mom's friend officially have a date tomorrow night!" Farkle announced.

"And, one of my cousins agreed to fight Maya." Lucas added.

"Did you make sure he knows where the place is at? And to fight her hard enough to make her give up, but not hard enough to leave any serious injuries?"

"Yep! I've explained everything to him!"

"Guys! This plan is officially ready for tomorrow!" I cheered. Lucas and Farkle cheered and jumped up and down with me.

"Say goodbye to fighting forever Maya!"
Maya's POV:

As I finished off my opponent for the night, I slumped myself onto a chair. I needed some rest.

"Hey the little girl is beat! Someone give her a drink!" One of the guys shouted.

"No thanks I really don't drink." I stated.

"Relax Hart, it's just for this night! Nothing's going to happen." Danny slurred, drunk as ever.

"I don't know..."

"Come on! You can trust your buddy!" He shoved a drink in my face.

"Oh fine!" I grabbed the drink and took a sip. I could feel it dry and burning against my throat. I coughed at it's foul taste.

"That's it! Give it a few more sips!" Everyone started chanting.

So then I took a few more sips. Then I finished the bottle. Then I ordered another one. Then I finished that one, and the cycle went on and on. Soon enough, I was too drunk to even see.
Riley's POV:

I heard a few bangs outside of the window. After a while, it got annoying so I made Lucas go check who it was.

"It''s Maya." He said in a confused tone. Farkle and I rushed to the window next to him. There we saw Maya, trying to climb up the fire escape on her hands and knees, while she repeatedly fell.

"Well that's pretty weird. Is she ok?" Farkle asked.

"I think I have a clue on what's going on." I growled angrily. I stepped outside to the fire escape, grabbed Maya's hand, and dragged her back to my room.

"Heeeey Riles!" She smirked. Her breath smelled like alcohol. Lucas and Farkle frowned as they realized what was happening.

"Hey Maya. Would you like to explain all this?"

"Explain whaaat?" Her head spun in circles.

"Why you were drinking."

"I wasn't drinking!"

"Yes you were!"

"Ok fine, I was. But don't tell Riley!"

I could hear Farkle trying to hold back a giggle. I punched him and gestured him to get out.

"I'll go too." Lucas said.

"No, you stay here. I need some help with her."

"Help with who?" Maya slurred.

"With you!"

"I'm fiiiine!"

"Oh yeah? How many fingers am I holding up?" I held up three fingers in front of her.

"Hey!" She grabbed one of my fingers. "These look like Riley's fingers!"

"Those are my fingers."

"Yeah I know! But they look like Riley's!"

"I am Riley!"


I put my head in my hands. This was tiring.


"What?" I yelled.

"Don't get mad! I loooove youuuu." She giggled.

"And youuuuu are going to bed now! Lucas, help me carry her onto the bed."

Lucas grabbed one half of Maya while I grabbed the other half.

"Are we going to have sex now? Because I don't want to have sex with Howdy!" Maya yelled. I was afraid that someone might hear her.


"Oh no, don't worry Riles. I'd have sex with you any day!"

"Alright well, how about you go to sleep and tomorrow morning, we can have sex. You better sleep now though, you don't want to be too tired." I joked. Maya actually bought it though and knocked herself out.

"You didn't actually mean that though, right?" Lucas wondered.

"Of course not! I don't know how girls have sex with each other!" I laughed.

"Well good luck with Maya. I'll make sure everything is ready tomorrow." Lucas headed out the door.

"Ok, thanks for your help." I waved.

I looked back at Maya, who was now restfully sleeping in our bed.

"Oh Maya, if only you knew what was coming to you."

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