Chapter 21

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Maya's POV:

I woke up on the couch with Riley sleeping on my lap. I gently got off the couch, careful not to wake her up. There was popcorn everywhere.

I looked at Riley for a second. There was tear stains on her face. Shit, when was she crying? I stared at her face. She was so beautiful. I softly kissed her and started to clean up the popcorn.

After I was finished, I sat back down on the couch and laid next to Riley. I started to gently stroke her hair. She is so adorable, who could ever be mad at this little face? I switched on the TV and watched a few minutes of one of my favorite shows.

"Hey, did you clean everything up?" Riley sat up and rubbed her eye.



I stare at her tired, tear stained face.


"Were you crying?"

"No, why would ask such a silly questions?"

"Maybe because there's tear stains on your face?"

"Really?" Riley covered her cheeks.

"Yeah, now confess!"

"Don't worry about it, I was probably just crying in my sleep. I'll go wash up." She runs to the bathroom. I sighed. I knew there was something up with her, but what?
Lucas' POV:

I called Farkle over. I was alone and bored at my house, so I figured why not? Maybe we could hang out and come up with more ways to stop Maya from fighting.

After a few minutes, he finally showed up. We sat on my couch and talked a bit.

"Hey! I forgot to tell you! I have a pretty good plan for the whole Maya situation." Farkle announced.

"Really? Well what are you waiting for? Tell me!" I cheered.

"Alright so step 1 is to follow her and watch what she exactly does..."
Riley's POV:

"I'm going out. You need me to text Freckles and Hop-along?" Maya says as she opened the window.

"Yeah. Tell them to come quick." I grumbled. Not looking directly at Maya's face.

"Alright." She takes out her phone and texts them. "Are you going to be ok?"

"Why wouldn't I be? My girlfriend is going out to fight people older than her and might end up with a serious injury!" I mutter sarcastically.



She stares at me with a worried and confused expression on her face. She's probably wondering why I was crying last night. Truth was, last night Maya fell asleep before me and I felt really scared. I couldn't take it and ended up sobbing into Maya's chest until I fell asleep. I didn't want to tell her though.

"Hey look, Farkle's here!" I said, breaking the silence. Maya looked behind her and moved so he could come in.

"Alright, bye guys!" She smiled and stepped outside.

"Lucas isn't coming." Farkle stated.

"Why not?" I questioned.

"We came up with a plan and now he's out spying on Maya. I was going to go with him but I know you don't like to be alone."

"Oh don't worry, I can go with you guys." I grinned.
Maya's POV:

I ran to the restaurant/bar. I couldn't wait to fight someone. However, I felt like someone was following me. I kept looked behind me to make sure, but I couldn't see anyone.

As I reached the bar, I saw the man from yesterday sitting in the exact spot. Except, there was a guy who was sitting in my seat.

"Hey! That's my seat!" I stomped into the bar. This was defiantly someone I could take.

"It don't got your name on it." He shrugged.

"Great! You guys are already arguing!" The man laughed. I never really got his name. Weird.

"This is the guy you want me to fight?" I ask him.

"Yep! Good luck to you..."

"Hart." I finished for him.

"Hart! I love it!"



"Danny." I smiled. The other guy stared at me angrily.

"Alright, Hart, this is Nick. Nick, this is Hart." Danny introduced us to each other.

"You ready to get beaten, chump?" Nick growled.

"I'd ask you the same thing." I smirked
"Ready, set, GO!"
Author's note:

Seriously guys, thank you so much for 2k views!

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