Chapter 9

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Jin's screen looked something like this when he finished writing down his plans:

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Jin's screen looked something like this when he finished writing down his plans:

#1: (30 seconds all) Arm circles, Knee Push ups, Overhead Press, Floor triceps dips, Knee Push ups, Bicep curls (in this order)

#2: Arm circles (30s) x2, Shoulder press (45s), Knee Push ups (30s) x2, Reverse flys (45s) x2, Arm circles (20s), Dips (60s)

#3: 40 pushups, 20 triceps dips, 20 Overhead Presses

#4: 20 situps, 20 right side crunches, 20 left side crunches, 20 oblique twists, 1 minute plank hold

#5: 20 crunches, 35 sit ups, 10 full body crunches, 50 crisscrosses, 10 wide leg cross sit ups, 20 leg lifts

#6: 100 pillow squeezes, 30 side leg lifts (each side)

#7: 40 hip thrusts, 25 lying kickbacks, 50 clam lifts, 20 forward kicks, 30 knee tucks (each side for all)

#8: 100 shoulder rolls, 30 reverse flys, 50 Bicep curls, 30 front raises, 20 push ups, 30 second side plank (both sides)

#9: 100 jumping jacks, 50 high knees, 20 burpees, 100 crunches, 50 bicycle crunches, 20 reverse crunches, 50 sit ups, 60 Russian twists, 20 oblique crunches

#10: 50 calf raises, 1 minute jump rope, 50 calf pillow squeezes

#11: 30 second v sit twists, 30 second standing cross crunches, 30 second side jackknifes, 30 second windshield wipers, 60 second plank, 60 second side plank

#12: 45 second lying leg raise, 45 second reverse crunch, 45 second flutter kicks, 30 second elbow to knee, 30 second jackknife sit up, 30 second leg pull in

#13: high knees, jumping jacks, mountain climbers (all 60 seconds)

#14: 150 jumping jacks, 100 crunches, 50 leg lifts, 100 jumping jacks, 75 crunches, 30 leg lifts, 50 jumping jacks, 25 crunches, 20 leg lifts

#15: 30 second plank, 60 second hip rise, 30 second plank, 60 second hip rise, 50 crunches, 30 leg rises (left), 50 crunches, 30 leg rises (right), 40 second plank left, 50 hip rises, 60 second toe touch, 60 second frog stretch, 60 second butterfly stretch

Jin wondered if this was all a bit much, but then he mentally slapped himself. If he wanted to be thin, he would have to work for it. He decided that he would do seventeen workouts a day for a while until he lost some weight. Don't ask where he found out all these workouts because it had taken him a long time to find them all scattered around the internet. But he hoped, and almost knew, that he would stick to this routine. He wanted to lose weight so he would look better in pictures and hopefully gain some popularity.

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