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Trigger warning

Demons by Jacob Lee^

"We're going to drive down there and see, ok?" I watched as my mom was grabbing her keys, purse and whatever she might need as we were about to go down the street to this therapist.

I just followed her around until she asked if I was ready to go. I walked behind her as we left the house and walked to her car, walking around to the passenger side.

Looking back at the house, I averted my eyes away to the house next door. I looked back at my mom before getting into her car as she got in also.

We left our driveway then drove down the street. I look over at my mom as she was on her phone, looking at something. "Do you know where it's at?"

"Yes. I found the address."

"Did you call first?"

She shook her head as she placed her phone down. "Nobody answered." I watched as she started slowing down then we pulled up to a house.

"Did you say a therapist lived here or their office?"

Looking down at her phone, she looks over at me then shrugs. "I thought it was the office, but I don't know. Come on."

We both got out then I followed her to the front door. She knocked and we waited, but didn't hear anything from the inside. I look around before taking my phone out my pocket and checking the time.

It was currently one in the afternoon and hot as hell outside.

As we were standing there, the door opened and a woman stood in front of us, probably around her sixties, but not really sure. She smiled at us for a moment before speaking. "Can I help you?"

My mom started talking to her about whatever. I zoned them out as I was standing in the back, looking at the ground.

I wasn't even sure if this woman was the therapist or what.

After they got done talking, the woman slightly smiled. "My name is Crystal. Please, come in." We walked through the living room and into the kitchen, where she asked if we wanted anything to drink.

I stood there, along side of my mom as Crystal stood at the counter. "My wife, Tonia Jones was a therapist for many years. She's lived here her whole life, and was a friend to everyone. I can't think of a single person that didn't come to see her when they were wanting a session with her."

"She passed away a few months ago from a heart attack."

I crossed my arms as I listened to this woman say all these things about her wife, who I've never met but felt strangely connected to. It was as if I knew her, but I didn't really know her.

"I'm so sorry for your loss." My mom spoke. "I was bringing my daughter by cause she's been through so many therapists, that I thought I'd give Tonia a try."

Crystal slightly smiled. "She would have loved to help you, sweetheart."

They talked a little longer until we said our goodbyes. Crystal walked us to the door before telling us goodbye.

After we left, I look over at mom then back at the road. "I don't think I want to go back to therapy." I look over at her as she glanced at me. "I can't handle telling anymore people about the shit I went through."

"I understand, sweetie."

We pull up to our house the mom shuts the car off before hearing noises from new door. I look over as she did the same and saw Colton run out to his truck then squealed his tires out of the driveway before leaving in a rush.

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