Forty Seven

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"Why won't he leave her alone?" Harvey asks as he was poking his straw through the lid of his drink.

We all three were at the Cafe, enjoying our time out from school and freedom before we had to do something with our lives.

I shrug then stirred my drink around with my straw. I kept thinking about Colton and it was honestly driving me insane to where I couldn't sleep at night.

"Why are you letting this affect you so much?" Kyndra asks. "Dylan has a restraining order on him. The cops will be called if he keeps messing with her and she obviously doesn't want him anymore."

"It's just hard to ignore."

The bell to the front door rang and when I looked up, I saw Caleb walking in with Katie. I smiled when he looked over and saw me, grabbing Katie's hand and pulling her towards us.

I moved over as they both sat next to me. Caleb introduced Katie to Kyndra and Harvey, but what was funny to me was that Kyndra was staring at her the whole time.

"So, what's up? Y'all roaming the streets now that you don't have to go to school?" Caleb laughs.

"Basically." Harvey said. ''My mom threatened to put me on the streets if I didn't do something."

Caleb chuckles. "That sounds like my mom."

I look over at him. "You never did anything. You stayed at the house."

He looks over at me. "Shut up. I did plenty of things."

"Stalking doesn't count."

Katie looks at him this time and I couldn't help but laugh when Caleb was hiding his face. He looks over at me and begs me with his eyes to shut up.

Caleb called the waiter over and he ordered for him and Katie.

I looked over at Kyndra and Harvey as they were talking about something then my eyes averted over to the window we were next to. I looked outside and saw a few cars go by and the people that would occasionally walk down the sidewalk.

Everyone was talking, laughing and telling stories as I was listening and looking around at everyone plus looking out the window.

My mind was somewhere else.

When I was dropped back at the house, Kyndra told me to text her if I needed her. I was home until mom gets home cause she was working and Dylan was running errands today.

She told me to spend time with my friends since they wanted us to hang today.

I texted her and told her that I was home now. I knew she would try to hurry up and get here faster since she knew I was home alone.

Walking upstairs, I decided to take off this stupid sweatshirt. It was too damn hot to where it but I still has cuts on my arms and didn't want Kyndra or anyone else seeing.

I pulled a shirt on after I took the sweatshirt off and tossed it in the drawer. I sat on my bed before hearing my phone go off, knowing it was Dylan.

Be there soon. Leaving the grocery store now

After placing my phone down on the bed, I heard a horn from outside then leaned up over my headboard to look out the window.

I didn't see anyone in my driveway, but when I looked over at Dylan's, I saw Colton's truck parked in the driveway.

Getting off my bed, I walked out the room then downstairs. I walked outside then saw him getting out of his truck as I was walking across the yard.

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