Ch: 5 New Twist

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** Hi Guys... I am back with another update of the story.. I am glad that you all have showed interest in this story as well.. I know it is confusing right now but soon I will resolve it.**

The stranger enters her room, suddenly Naira feels her cabin become small as aroma of the stranger fills the room and his big frame occupies more space. Naira's eyes met with the stranger and became captivate with his eyes under his specs. He is an ordinary looking guy; he just looks average, with his regular dressing,his shirt which is very loose to his frame, his oiled hairstyle and his specs. There is nothing special in the guy except his voice; there is an authority in his voice which can bind the air.Naira's mind sends a 'danger' signal, she is shocked to core. She never felt in this way before. The mere look of the stranger is making her restless; this is really what Naira don't like.

She decided to take the interview of the stranger and reject him on the spot by hurting his ego, in the same way as he hurt her ego in the hall. But now the stranger's eyes are challenging her, she cannot identify what is the 'danger' around him and what is the challenge he is throwing at her. But she is ready for any type of challenge.

"take your seat" she said sternly, the stranger take his seat infront of her.

Naira looks into his resume and says "Mr. Kartik kumar, Graduation in commerce, Delhi university. So why do you think I should give this job to you. Graduation in commerce, I can get a lot of people of this degree. You are not even a post graduate"

Kartik: A post graduate person won't come to work as a PA. He will expect better position. And moreover I have the ability to work as a machine non-stop which is really needed for a PA", he said her but mumbles to himself 'under you'

Naira is lip tight, she did not like the confidence of the stranger or you can say she is getting impressed with his confidence which she did not liked a bit, she want to degrade his saying he did only graduation but it backfired her. "Why you did not do post-graduation. You too might have applied for better job" she asked again, to win her ego

"Due to some personal reasons I could not do my post-graduation, If I have done sure, I would have applied for better job", he replied with full confidence.

Naira raises her eye brow, "So you call this job profile as low one", her ego boosted up,now he would be lip-tight it said.

"I did not said that, you yourself said that now by calling the job profile as low which makes that working as you PA is a low job profile", he retorted and she was trapped in her own words, she gets angry. She takes the phone and calls Mahesh "Come to my cabin"

Mahesh enters the cabin, seeing Naira's face he is sure Mr. Stranger did not get the job. Mahesh feels happy but his happiness is little lived when Naira said, "Type the appointment letter on the Name of Mr. Kartik Kumar. From today I am appointing him as my PA. Tell him his salary and company policies and ask him to join immediately-"

Kartik cuts Naira in middle "I cannot join immediately"

Naira glares at Kartik and Mahesh gives what-is-this-man-like look to him.

Kartik continues,"According to you HR I have minimum of one week to one month in hand before joining the office. So I need one week to shift to Delhi and join in the office"

Naira raises her eyes brow, "oh, so any problem with the salary. You can tell me that also."

He gives a smirk which caught her breath in her throat.

Kartik continues, "I have no problem with the package your HR offered. Anyway thanks for asking Miss. Naira Singhania", he takes her name once again huskily making her swallow her saliva.

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