Ch: 23 Lip Balm

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Hi Guys.. here is the next update

At night, Naira is standing in the corridor of her room.

Trisha passing her gives a smile and stops saying "Hey Naira, you can give this to KG. He is in his study bechara, his lip is still paining he asked me for some lip balm, Suhasini dadi asked me to send this to Kartik long back but I totally forgot"

Naira thinks 'oh did I bite so hard' "ok"

Naira goes searching for the study where Kartik is sitting on the table reading some data on his laptop. Naira stands at the door looking at him. Kartik is very seriously looking at the monitor and he did not notice Naira. Naira unknowingly starts staring at him, his handsome features. His forehead which is wrinkled indicating he is in deep thoughts, his perfect nose and lips, she gasped little louder looking at his lips. She comes to the world suddenly and slowly clears her throat to gain his attention.

Kartik raises his head "Come in Naira"

Naira "oh oh lip balm oh mein-"

Kartik leans back to the chair and puts his hands lazily over his head looking at Naira seductively. Naira's heart does hunderd flip flops and beats to the rate of thousand. She thinks it is better to give the balm and run from there else she will surely loose under his charm, she knew that for sure for herself.

Kartik slowly touches his lips and makes baby face "bahut dard ho raha hai", he knows it is white lie, to escape Suhasini and Kush teasing he said whatever came to his mouth saying his lip is paining and asked to send the balm and escapes to study. And when Naira came with balm how can he leave this chance to corner her. Kartik innocently says "Can you apply?"

Naira glares at him "No way"

She slams the balm on the table turns to go. Kartik catches her hand and pulls her, making her fall on his lap. Naira is shocked with the sudden pull, she looks at Kartik with wide open eyes "Kartik what are you doing leave me" struggling to push him.

Kartik has no intentions to leave her "Just 5 days after that I won't leave you for a second, I am planning for our honeymoon"

Naira "In your dreams"

Kartik: "Why?"

Naira "Because I won't share your life or bed with you until you apologies me and accept your mistake"

Kartik "Back to square one, Naira forget apologies and all, it is just a bet and raat gaye baat gaye."

Naira "Kartik, this is not a simple thing, you ditched me and you said it is a simple thing. May be for you, but not for me"

Naira forgot that she is still in his arms on his lap; she stopped struggling as she is too busy to fight with him. But one thing both did not notice is both are so comfortable with each other, the third person will think they are happily romancing with each other, if only they hear their conversation.

Kartik: "Naira, we are married now. Can we forget our past and start a new life" he starts caressing her cheek. Naira says with a finality "NO" then she realizes their position, pushes Kartik and stands.

Kartik sighs and says "Fine for now do for what you came" Naira gives a confused look. Kartik supplies the balm and asks her to apply. Naira hesitates, looking into his eyes still angry.

Kartik makes a baby face "Please" Naira reluctantly takes the balm and starts applying it on his lips, she does not dare to look into his eyes as she well knows that Kartik is staring at her, suddenly Kartik catches her fingers with his mouth. Naira gasps loud and looks into his eyes. Kartik slowly catches her hand and licks her fingers looking into her eyes. Naira gets tensed, a high voltage current passes in her body she stammers "K-Kartik-K leave me p-please"

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