Ch: 21 Another girl ?

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Hi guys.. here is the next part

Naira decides to ask Kartik what's really going on. She asks for Goenka office address,

Naira "Good morning, can you let me know on which floor is Mr. Kartik Goenka's office?"

Receptionist "Sure mam, it is on the 10th floor. Can I accompany you mam-"

Naira : No think I will take care of it

Naira reaches the 10th floor. The whole floor is looking very intimate, the colors used and equipment is very rich and gives a sophisticated look. Naira observes Kartik's name plate and gives a side glance to see the floor receptionist is missing and even there is no sign of Kartik's PA.

Naira: Strange no one is there on this floor to attend the people

Naira goes to Kartik room and knocks but no answer came from the room. She decides to open the door, puts her hand on the knob of the room to open it wide and stands rooted to the ground to see the scene unfold in front of her. A girl is clinching to Kartik and is about to kiss him, stops to see Naira standing at the door.

Kartik's one hand is on her waist and the other is on her shoulder, no one can say either Kartik is trying to push her or hugging her close but the girl is in no mood to be disturbed, she is hugging Kartik very intimately without leaving a gap between their bodies. Naira felt some one stabbed her heart. She felt disgusted, she stood like a statue looking at Kartik, she didn't know whether to say something or to turn and leave the room. For the first time in her life her mind became blank. Kartik's face is not giving up any emotions out for her to guess the situation.

She comes back to the world when Kartik says "Naira..."

Little Flashback

When Tanya arrived, Kartik was somewhere waiting for Tanya to come in. Tanya entered his room with a broad smile "Hey KG, I am back. I know you might have missed me so much"

Kartik still sitting in his chair "Close the door Tanya and take your seat"

Tanya ,"oh KG, you are so unromantic. I came India only for you and you are giving such a cold welcome to me" ,she says seductive standing beside him and tracing his shoulder with her finger ,"I expected a hot welcome from you"

Kartik "Tanya, I said there is nothing between us before and I want to clearly you, there won't be any relationship between us in future as well" he almost shouted on her

Tanya "I stay in present KG, so we can have a relationship in present" playing with his tie. Kartik gets irritated and gets up with force pointing a finger at Tanya. Before Kartik can say anything Tanya throws her arms around him which unbalances Kartik and to save both of them from falling Kartik puts his one hand on her waist and immediately places the other hand on her shoulder to push her where Tanya is busy in trying to kiss him.

Flashback ends

Naira at the same time enters Kartik office and gets shocked to see the welcome she got in her husband's office.

Kartik turns his face to see Naira entering his office; he says "Naira" , Tanya who got disturbed due to the third person gets angry and loses her grip on Kartik shoulders, taking advantage of that Kartik pushes Tanya. Tanya angry shouts at Naira "Who the hell you are? And who allowed you in, you..." before Naira can answer Kartik raised his voice ,"She is my wife", a chill run down the spine of Naira hearing his voice, his voice is husky when he said 'wife' and authority in his eyes which locked her eyes with his.

Tanya's voice brought them back to the world "How can you marry someone when you love me?" , Naira felt like slapping the girl. Kartik explained her, "Tanya I never loved you, just leave now" Tanya doesn't know what to say she is still in shock to know Kartik is married. Tanya left the room banging the door shut.

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