Ch: 10 Arriving London

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** Hi Guys.. here is the next chapter...**

Someone suddenly closes her eyes and whispered in her ears, "I think you should close your eyes not your mouth". Naira slowly says "Kartik", he  smiles "Good, atleast you remember my name"

Without removing his hand from her eyes, he  places his other hand on her shoulder guiding her out of the room. They come out of the casino; where Naira keeps a horrified expression, she still can't believe she went to a strip club. However,  Kartik couldn't able to control himself and  he starts laughing, she looks him with an embarrassment but hides at her best and  says with her teeth gritting, "Stop it Kartik, it was a mistake and-"

Kartik: I am not laughing on you for going inside but look at your face, you kept the face as if you never seen a naked man.

If Naira is not that much embarrassed before then she is sure now, Kartik blunt statement made Naira to dig a whole and burry herself in it not to face HIM again. Kartik stops laughing and looks at her embarrassed face saying ,"Ok ok, I got it you never saw a -"

Naira puts her hand on his mouth stopping "Don't you  say a single word now", they stands infront of each other looking into each other's eyes. Naira with her hand on Kartik's mouth. They stood without blinking their eyes, the huge horn of the cars bought them out of trance.

Naira ,"Oh main-" and looks back at Kartik, this time both at time starts laughing, first slowly and then loudly. She puts her hand on her head, "Oh my god that was the most  embarrassing moment in my life"

Kartik: Not a problem I will seal my mouth, won't tell to anyone. So you secret is safe with me

Naira: Thanks

"Welcom", he checks the time and says," I think we can go back it is flight time, she nods her head and  both goes back to airport to board the flight to London.

Soon they reach London; checks in the hotel which Kartik already booked for them. The meeting was at 10 AM, so they went in to get freshen-up and attend the meeting in their respective rooms.  Naira when came out of casino thought Kartik will mock her tease her and make her more embarrass but to her surprise Kartik did not mentioned about that incident or even mocked her with his gestures, he behaved as if the incident never happened.

Naira felt happy and a sort of respect towards Kartik. They both get ready for the meeting and were sitting in  in their hotel lobby when their partner PA Miss Anne come and introduces herself.

Anne : Hey guys, I am Anne Personal Assistant of Mr. Stephan Bank

Naira and Kartik shakes their hands with Anne. However, Anne shakes Kartik's hand more than required.Kartik gives an uncomfortable smile to her and looks at Naira but Naira hides her laugh seeing Kartik's irritating and helpless look. It is clear that Anne likes Kartik.

Anne: I am sorry guys, Mr. Stephan Bank is struck in his home town and due to bad weather his flight is delayed and I am afraid we cannot have meeting today. He is making arrangements to come tomorrow at any cost to conduct the meeting and finalize the deal with you. He is very sorry for the last minute notification

Naira: Well, I can understand. It is fine. We can wait for one more day.

Anne: Oh that's so nice of you. I came today to take you people for a tour. I hope you can enjoy the tour with me

Naira and Kartik followed Anne, she took them to different places like museums, London eye' in all places Anne in one or the other way clinched to Kartik. Naira did not like Anne getting cozy to him, even in the few occasions Naira tried to separate Anne from Kartik. Her own reaction is shocking to her. She closes her eyes in frustration thinking she has gone mad, may be due to journey she is feeling weird, she needs to take rest. Anne invited Kartik for a date that night but Kartik rejected politely and soon Naira and Kartik headed towards their rooms.

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