Ch: 36 Will he able to save her?

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Hi Guys... I m here back with another update of mine

Naira comes to the lobby still the scene of Kartik and Tanya is going in her brain, she cannot believe all such times he was telling her lies and having an affair with Tanya at her back. The scene unfolding in front of her is a clear witness for that and she cannot come up with that and forget it.

Naira goes to the travel desk "I want to hire a car"

Travel desk person "Mam it is raining outside and cyclone may come, it is not safe to travel now"

Naira :Just do as I say, it is very important for me to go out and I am ready to pay anything for a car.

The travel desk person tried to tell her in many ways but Naira is determined to leave "Fine I will go out myself and check for the cab" she is about to leave when travel desk person "Ok mam fine please sign here we will give you the car"

Naira signs the register and deposits her cards at the desk taking the keys from him. She goes to the parking slot and starts the car without caring for the heavy rain, her mind was already crowded with her husband deceive... she can't think anything straight.

Kartik comes out of the door dressed himself, all his sleep and little nasha of drinks went out of his mind, but stopped by Tanya she even tried to add more fuel,"Come on Kartik, just open your eyes. Naira is not suitable for you. She does not look sexy and not even trusts you. She is not the right girl for you. I know you married her for business but please don't leave me. you know how much I love you"

Kartik almost raises his hand to hit Tanya but make a fist says "Tanya I hate slapping girls so better get out of next act" , the way or I am not responsible for my almost pushes her from way making Tanya fall on the wall and hurt her shoulder little, "ooouch!!" and curses Kartik while rubbing her shoulder. Tanya for the first time was frightened to see Kartik's angry. Kartik's eyes are like fire and red with his anger.She did not dare to say another word just went away still cursing him.

Kartik runs towards the lobby still searching for Naira, it is raining heavily so it did not occur that Naira can go out. He searched restaurant, terrace and all open areas for Naira, he tried her cell but she cuts his calls. He sits near the pool feeling disheartened; he cannot believe the change of event happened in just a few hours. From the day Kartik has taken over Malhotra's business Naira is behaving rude with him. Today Tanya's incident added fuel to their fight. Kartik is wandering aimless in the pool when Kush comes there, "Bhaiwhat happened what are you doing here?"

Kartik "Kush oh"

Kush is just passing the pool for a night walk after dropping Trisha and observing Kartik sitting at the pool. Kush never saw Kartik so disturbed in his life, he is roaming restless.

Kartik tells the Tanya incident and how Naira misunderstood the scene. Kush does not know what to say.

Kush "let's ask the staff if they have seen Naira ji"

Kartik did not even think about asking anyone till now, as he is still practicing what to tell Naira when he finds her. Kush and Kartik go to reception and ask about Naira. They informs they have not seen her, just then the travel desk person passes them and hears Naira's name, he stops and says "Are you looking for mlMrs. Naira Goenka"

Kartik turns his head and says "Yess we are searching for Mrs. Naira Goenka, have you seen her"

The travel desk person "Yess, she went out hiring a car. I told her it is not good to go out but she did not hear me.

Almost one and half hour back she went out"

Kartik cannot believe what he is hearing; Naira went out in this rain. Kush reacted immediately "can you please give me the car details in which she went"

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