Ch: 31 Submitting herself

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Hi Guys.. Here is the new chapter

Kartik explains his plan to Mihir. Kartik "the consignment which is going contains food grains. Customs officers check if Mr. Malhotra is sending any drugs or gold or any smuggled goods to Europe"

Mihir "but I don't think he will do that, because he is putting all his earning into this consignment"

Mihir thinks for a while and says "are you planning to put some smuggled goods in his food grains but that is risky"

Kartik "no, I won't put any smuggled goods in his material but customs also see the quality of food grains, if they see any foreign bodies in the food grains they seal the consignment and may reject to send it"

Mihir "foreign bodies"

Kartik smiles and says "foreign bodies like rats"

Mihir repeats "rats"

Kartik says "yes, rats. Customs will stop the consignment on the spot if they find any improper things in the food. Government has passed the rule that food grains exported or imported should be testing to ensure that food is safe for consumption"

Mihir "I understood sir. I will plan the next steps you do not worry"

Kartik "Don't waste any time Mihir we have only two days in hand, we have to be very active. Call me at any time if you require, I don't mind if it is in the middle of the night. I will be available at any time"

Mihir "sure sir. Today itself I will start executing the plan but sir I think again why all this we can expose him or beat him black and blue, he will become silent"

Kartik ''Mihir I told you before also I don't want Singhanias or Goenkas to come into picture. I want to beat Mr. Malhotra in business in such a way that he cannot stand back and his whole life will go in earning again and he forgets even to kill someone. Hope I will successful in that"

Kartik writes his second cheque of their deal to Mihir, hands it over to him and leaves for Goenka office.

Naira and Kartik prepare a presentation for their next Singapore project separately where Mihir meets customs officers to do the groundwork before executing their plan.

Naira reaches home before Kartik, she goes to her room expecting Kartik in her room. She gets disappointed not to see Kartik there. She sighs, takes her night suit and goes to freshen-up. She returns drying her hair when she sees Kartik happily lying on her bed giving her his charming smile. For a second her heart wants to smile at him as if telling him she missed him but the mind stops her at the right time. Naira coughs a little, goes towards bed and picks the pillow to go towards the coach. Kartik did not comment or stopped her from going. Naira sleeps on the coach but feels very uncomfortable. Yesterday she was too tired to feel the uncomfort but today she doesn't know what to do. She tries her best to sleep on the coach.

At midnight Naira hears footsteps of Kartik coming near to her coach. She closed her eyes tight pretending to sleep. Kartik goes near her coach and notices Naira is not sleeping but pretending to be sleeping; he gives a mischief grin and picks her up. Naira becomes stiff in his arms which makes Kartik to chuckle. He moves towards bed and places her on the bed joining her. If Naira thinks she is safe now then it is her mistake, Kartik decided to tease her for acting. Kartik slowly rolled over her, placing his hands either side of her head, whispering "Naira opened your eyes, I know you are not sleeping" but Naira did not open her eyes. Kartik smiles, traces her face with his fingertips removing the hair falling on her face and slowly bends to kiss at the corner of her mouth. Naira parted her lips in reaction but did not open her eyes. Kartik slowly traced her lips with his feathery touch of his lips and waited for Naira to protest when Naira did not protest Kartik took that as acceptance and took her lips into a deep passionate kiss.

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