Ch: 27 Stubborn married Stubborn

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Hi Guys.. here is the next part

Next day morning, Manish is at the breakfast table when Suhasini joins him. Manish raises his head to see Kartik is coming from one side and Naira from another side, he is shocked and before he can say something Suhasini says "it is their personal life Manish, do not interfere. Let them solve their issue themselves."

Manish is shocked, says "do you know they have a problem. But maa I am confused they got married without telling us and now after officially married you are saying they have a problem that they are staying separately. I -"

Suhasini cuts Manish "some things are like that Manish which should be solved by wife and husband alone. You know Kartik how stubborn he is and so Naira is, let them solve it themselves. I hope you don't make them uncomfortable by making them obvious" Manish shakes his head and says "as they wish"

Kartik and Naira come face to face after the night, they meet in the corridor before heading towards the steps. Both are ready to go to the office, Naira in her regular grey suit and Kartik is wearing his business suit as well. It is clear from Kartik's face that he is angry at Naira and he did not sleep well the whole night. Naira breaks the silence first "good morning Kartik" Kartik does not reply but goes from there towards Manish and Suhasini.

Kartik hugs Suhasini "good morning dadi"

Suhasini "good morning Sam"

Naira smiles at Suhasini and takes her blessings, then greets Manish. Kartik sits in front of Manish without raising his head. Naira sits beside Kartik without making any fuss, except Manish to comment something as she knows Manish might have seen them coming from different directions.

Manish clears his throat "Naira and Kartik today can you both meet me in Goenka office,

Naira I need to discuss something with you"

Naira is confused "with me?"

Manish "Yes beta, I need to discuss some business deals with you. I will give the more details in the office"

Naira is confused but says "ok papa ji"

Kartik "ok dad will meet you in office", he rises from his seat.

Suhasini "Kartik, Naira is also coming to Goenka office"

Kartik says "why?"

Manish "I just said we have a meeting together in Goenka office"

Kartik "oh ok" turns towards Suhasini "so?"

Suhasini "so kya, take Naira with you"

Kartik keeps a straight face "she can take care of herself dadi, and moreover I am not her


Kartik turns to go but stops hearing Manish's voice, "Kartik, I don't want the media and people to talk about you both on the first day of your marriage. Baat ghar thak rahe teek hain"

Kartik takes a deep breath and says without turning "I will wait in my car" and goes from there. Naira doesn't know how to react, she wants to say sorry to Manish but what can she tell if he asks why they both are behaving like this.

Suhasini understands Naira's dilemma and says "Naira finish your breakfast and go, he will wait for you. Evening you have pag phere rituals in your house, Kartik will pick you up from Singhania Nivas"

Naira completes her breakfast in silence and goes out where she finds Kartik waiting for her in the back seat of the car. She silently goes and sits in the car beside him. Kartik is immersed in his work on his laptop, Naira cannot tell if he is acting to ignore her or if he is really involved in his work. But she sits silently beside him. Cold behavior is the least Naira expected from him. She feels this is silence before the storm, she did not turn her head to watch him but she is very much aware of him beside her. Whenever his head moves or he taps his fingers Naira feels some excitement in her nerves, she hates to admit but Kartik always affects her equilibrium as no man ever affected her.

Both reach Goenka office and enter the lift at once. As they entered the lift, both looked into each other's eyes remembering the lift incident that happened in Singhania office. Naira cannot forget the look Kartik gave her on that day. Suddenly the lift jerks and stops in middle like before breaking their eye lock. Kartik curses the lift and presses the alarm. This time Naira stands quietly at the corner and starts looking at Kartik or you can say staring at Kartik unknowingly in the same way as Kartik did on that day, taking each details of Kartik. Kartik is looking very handsome in his business suit; his long legs, well build body. his gorgeous face, and she could not take her eyes off him. Kartik pulls his hair and turns to see what Naira is doing and stops on the track. She is staring at him, but turns her head as get caught and slowly turns to see Kartik glaring at her. His look made Naira remember their previous night when she closed door on his face she again turns hiding her nervous smile this time. Kartik knows she is teasing him and he too remembers the way Naira left him the previous night; he bangs the lift wall, at once turns and traps Naira between the lift wall and his body. Naira stalks with his sudden move, looks at him with wide open eyes.

Kartik "you are playing with fire Naira" whenever Kartik comes near, her resolution to keep Kartik at a distance gets shaken. Naira looks into his eyes, she sees the hunger for her in his eyes. She licks her lips which are dried by now due to his intense glare; she feels her lips are shaking slightly, a tense atmosphere is developing in the lift. Before Kartik can bend to kiss her, the lift moves at once. Naira moves away and Kartik bangs his nose to the lift wall beside Naira, shouts with pain "ouchhh" Naira laughs out loud seeing Kartik. Kartik nursing his nose stamps out of the lift which is just opened followed by Naira still smiling, she feels bad to make Kartik suffer like that but she cannot help if he is stubborn then she can also be.

** Here is the short one.. will try to give better update..**

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