Ch: 11 Jealousy

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**Hi Guys... I am back with another update.. I hope you all are liking the story ...**

The party was on full on swing. The campaign is flowing like water. Naira rejected all the hard drinks offered to her and stick to the diet coke, however from the corner of her eyes, she was noticing Kartik and how Anne was flirting with him openly. Naira felt like kicking Anne but controls herself, she don't know why she is feeling weird to think about Kartik and Anne. She is developing a different feeling in herself, Kartik is with someone else enjoying the party is burning her like a fire, she rubbed the feeling yesterday blaming the restless journey but today the weird feelings are back. She was constantly trying to understand her feelings, when she saw her reflection on a glass wall realizing she is 'Jealous', but why. She wondered 'I am feel jealous of Anne, why? Because she is moving close to him and Kartik is impressed by her, ' the thought bought a sour taste in her mouth 'but why am I feeling jealous' she is confused with her own feelings. Slowly couples started moving to the dance floor, she sees Anne leading Kartik to the dance floor. She saw Anne dancing very close to Kartik, she felt like separating Kartik from her and hide him from every girl.

Naira thinks 'God, if he would have applied that oil and puts his specs then no girl would have roamed around him. Though his dressing is out of the league but still his charm on his face is pulling the girls towards him, I cannot deny but I am feeling jealous, don't know why-'

At last Kartik escapes from Anne and comes to stand beside Naira. Before she stopped her jealousy, she spoke," I hope you enjoyed yourself a lot with Anne", surprising herself and Kartik in the process. Naira feels her cheeks hot with embarrassment after seeing the surprised look on Kartik's face. She tries to correct herself,"I mean, she looks very much interested in you I mean-"

Kartik: No need to cover up

Naira gets angry, "What do you mean by cover-up, why should I cover up. I am not afraid to say anything on your face if I want. I know the lusty men's mind. They always think is the same when they see a woman"

Kartik points his finger to Naira,"Enough Naira, enough. I don't know what is going on in your mind what I am not a slave under you to listen whatever rubbish you throw on me"

Kartik is already in a very frustrated mood due to Anne. Yesterday Anne was bearable, but today she is unbearable though he is rude to her but she is not leaving him. Naira makes a fist from stopping herself to slap him.

Naira :How dare you? Are you drunk?

Kartik:  "I don't need to drink to tell the truth", he goes from there. Naira in her angry mood by mistake takes the hard drinks and consumes the drink in one go. It burns her throat, she coughs very badly. To cool the burn she takes vodka and drinks one after the other. Kartik goes to the men's loo, flashes water on his face, he is so frustrated that he lashes out on Naira, he cools his nervousness and returns back to the party. But he cannot find Naira.

'Where is Naira?' He starts searching for her; he looks for Stefan who is on full load with drinks. He thinks it is a waste of time to ask him. Anne comes to him again but this time he says to her in clear words that he is not interested in her. She feels disheartened and goes from there. He is still searching for Naira, at last he stops the waiter asks ,"Have you seen Miss Naira Singhania''

The waiter says ,"Mam in her grey suit"

Kartik: Yes

the waiter ,"I saw her going in the direction of garden"

Kartik ,"thanks" and starts walking towards the garden.

After having drinks Naira goes to Stefan to inform him that she is leaving and thanks for the party, Stefan is too drunk to acknowledge her. Naira sighs and starts walking towards the garden thinking bitterly 'Kartik will come when he is done with that girl', slowly the drinks start taking over her scene. She is about to reach the entrance when someone puts a hand on her mouth and drags her from there, she tries to kick them in the process her handbag feels open and her things fall on the ground. Kartik comes out to the garden in search of Naira but he could not find her. He thought,"Let her be, and went to the hotel room. I will catch up with her tomorrow. I am in no mood for another fight with her"

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