CH: 34 Evil played the Game

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Hi Guys.. here is the next part

They were entering the hotel when 

Kush meets Kartik and Naira at the lobby, "Hey Bhai, cyclone alert is given so the party is postponed but a small get-together is arranged in the hotel function hall. Come soon we can enjoy"

Kartik not wasting any moment of the argument with Naira,"Will join in 15 minutes" , looking at Naira.

But Naira has decided not to attend the party.

Both Kartik and Naira are behaving like kids fighting with their own egos but both don't know that someone is ready to use this difference against each other to break their relationship.

Kartik decides not to ask Naira to accompany him he gets ready and comes out his room when Tanya comes "Hey KG, going alone to the party shall I join" she is wearing a long shoulder less gown with cut from her mid thigh showing off her long legs, her hair is tied up leaving her neck bare, in one word she is looking stunning but Kartik is least affected with her look. Before Kartik can answer Naira comes out of her room in a saree with open hair, Kartik's hormones acted immediately looking at his wife. Naira blushed see how Kartik's eyes roaming on her body. She tried to divert her look to Tanya. 

Tanya gave a forced smile to Naira "Oh hey Naira, you too joining us" Naira did not like the way Tanya said as if Kartik and Tanya are going as couple and Naira will come with them as third person.

Kartik "yes Tanya, me and Naira are going together any problem" Tanya did not like the cold answer of Kartik, she suppresses her angry thinking she has to wait for the right time and smiles at them "ok then I will meet you both in the party" and leave from there. Kartik and Naira were walking towards lift when he saw his laces were open, he bend down to tie while Naira moved ahead not waiting for him. She was waiting for the lift to come when she felt a hand on her back, her heart skip the beat feeling the touch as it was melting her but what drove her insane when she felt him rubbing his thumb on her back, though her blouse was deepo neck but is touch was just burning. She didn't oppose his touch as it was just making her loose herself. She looked from corner of her eyes but found his expression plain, getting what's in his mind the lift open they entered and soon it starts he quickly grab her waist and cornered her.

She was completely shocked, it happened so quick that she couldn't able to react. She composed herself and struggle to come from his grip," Leave me Kartik.." he snuggled in her neck, taking deep.intake of her her scent he quickly buckle her blouse making her realize it was open, she still maintained her voice and said," I can do myself you just could only told me.."

Smirking to her he said,"Why bother when I can grab this opportunity…" their faces were very close to each other,his nose was brushing on hers, taking it as a moment he was about to claim when Lift opens, making them realise to come back from there moment. He soon left her and they both came out, shrugging themselves from the moment they have shared.

Kartik and Naira meet Kush and Trisha together and they enter the party.

Kartik-Naira, Kush-Trisha stand at one corner. Kush is commenting on some people teasing them making Naira and Trisha laugh at his jokes while Kartik is looking at his wife making her nervous in front of everyone.

Then from somewhere Tanya takes the mike "Hey everyone I know everyone might be disappointed that the annual day is postponed due to heavy rains but we can enjoy this get together as a warm up party for the annual day and I am taking the initiative to cheer everyone with my dance" everyone gave a big clap to Tanya.

Lights go dim and only a spot light is focused on Tanya and another spot light is roaming in the hall falling on all people. Tanya already gave money to the spot boy to put the light mostly on Kartik.

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