Ch: 47 Tiff ?

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Kartik cuts the call "No, this cannot be happen. I was always careful then how can this happen. Naira pregnant hain, I I donot want this child. I donot want anyone separate Naira from me like my father was separated from my mother. I will ask Naira to-" he closes his eyes and takes the decision. He starts walking towards the doctor and about to open the door when he see Naira comes running towards him and hugs him tight ,"I am so happy Kartik, we are going to be parents. Test is confirmed that I am pregnant. This is such a wonderful gift on our anniversary, hain naa", she has little tears in her eyes. Kartik did not say single word but puts his hand around her and hugs her for his dear life. Naira feels Kartik body is stiffen and even felt a little shiver, she is confused and thinks may be he is too happy to express it and relaxes in his arms. After breaking the hug she takes Kartik into doctor room and doctor congratulates both and writes some medicines. Kartik and Naira starts to Goenka mansion. Naira happily sleeps on Kartik's shoulder. Kartik is still in his deep thinking.

In Goenka mansion, Suhasini shares the good news with every family member. Everyone is so happy to welcome the new member into their family. Kush, "Wow this is triple celebration oh my god I am so excited I will be called uncle by cute little girl"

Trisha ,"Girl? How can be so sure that it will be girl"

Kush ,"I want a girl, if it is a boy I am sure he will be like Bhai, sadoo sa face lakar batiga. So I want a girl, whom I can pamper her"

Trisha smiles and shakes her head. Suhasini orders to bring sweets to distribute among everyone.

Suhasini ,"where are these two I am so eager to see Naira"

Surekha ,"mom, yaa loo shagun for Naira"

Manish and Akhilesh ,"inform Singhania family"

Suhasini "aree yes I forgot that completely"

Suhasini immediately calls Akshara and informs the good news. Singhania family lighten-up with the news. Akshara decides to visit Goenka mansion next day and bring Naira to Singhania house for some days. Everyone is very happy as they are not aware of the storm waiting for them.

Kartik stops the car infront of the house; he is practicing the words he want to tell Naira from the moment they started from the hospital. He is never so nervous and determined at the same time like this before. Naira slowly gets up from his shoulder saying "we are home"

Kartik takes a deep breath "yes, Naira I ..I want to talk something very important"

Naira with her sleepy eyes looks into his eyes "kya Kartik"

Kartik "Naira I -" before he can complete his sentence, their front door opens and Kush comes out shouting "Bhai"

Naira smiles looking at Kush's excitement it is clear everyone might have known by now.

But this reaction she expected from Kartik but now she is seeing in Kush. Naira felt little disturbed seeing Kartik's serious expressions the moment she said she is expecting.

Naira thinks 'why I feel something is not right' or is it just my imagination. Is Kartik happy with this child', she closes her eyes 'come on Naira, sure he might be happy. And you know Kartik naa he never likes to display his love and sure once we are alone in our room he will shower me with his love and happiness' she smiles to herself and goes inside. Where Kush is still hugging Kartik and congratulates him.

As soon as Naira comes in Suhasini and all hugs her, makes her sit, taking the evil eye and gives her some shagun and sweets. In their happiness no one observed when Kartik left the living room except Manish, He noticed Kartik, the moment he entered the house. Kartik is not at all seems interested in what is going on in the house, he is in his own thought. Kartik's serious expression made Manish shiver, Manish 'I am afraid what is going on in Kartik's mind. I am sure whatever the matter may be it is not good. Hope nothing will happen to his and Naira's relationship. Maybe I should talk with him tomorrow in the office' After a while Suhasini turns to call Kartik but he is not there.

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