Ch: 6 Boss & PA

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** Hi Guys.. I am here with the new chapter..**

Kartik completes his formalities at the HR department and joins Naira as his PA. It was afternoon when he went to Naira's cabin and knocked.

"Come in" she said, not looking who was there as she was immersed in some file she did not raise her head to see who it was. Kartik went in, though he came to the room second time, first during the interview but he did not give that much attention on that day. But today he looked around, it is a closed and dull room, no colorful curtains, dry colors on the walls and nothing is girly. "Who will say this is a girl's cabin", his mind wondered.

He sighs thinking "Naira's life is so dry and boring. God why does this girl do so much work, can't she enjoy her life anyways why do I care..!!!" I just came to do my work and leave as soon as possible", he goes near the window and opens the glass window. Now, since the room was on top floor, suddenly a rush of air comes in blowing all the papers on the table. Naira shouts "hey" and raises her head turning towards the window trying to catch the papers flying in air due to sudden wind. Kartik sees all papers spread around the room and Naira glaring at him. He immediately goes near her and starts picking the papers she too joins him. However, in a hurry he forgot to close the window which leads to another set of gushes of air to come and blow more papers. Kartik collects a lot of papers in hand and checks for some paper weight but he couldn't find any so the next thing he does as an immediate action, he removes Naira's clip from her hair and clips the papers. Her long hair came on her face causing it to cover her face, she slowly moved them with irritation on her face, making them to rest on her shoulder, unaware that a pair of eyes were staring at her, they were lost in her beautiful long hair. His heart urges him to remove the remaining hair from her face and keep him asie, kiss those irritation lines appeared on her forehead.

When suddenly his brain makes him aware, " Hey Dude.. what are you thinking, touch.. Kissing her... No way...", he came out of his trance and immediately turned to the other side to complete his task. Naira is more irritated; she leaves the papers and goes near the window to close it. She took a sharp turn and folded her hands glaring at Kartik,"Can't you see that I was working and who gave you the permission to roam freely in my cabin. Because of you all my paperwork is messed"

Kartik gives a careless look to the papers in his hand and says "As I know technology developed a lot. We got PCs, tablets and what not. Still struck with the papers, why can't you use the latest technology to the fullest'' pointing towards the Laptop.

She was very much offended as a mere PA replied back to her,"How dare you to point a finger at me-"

But he interrupt in between,"I am not pointing anything at you you , just said to use the latest technologies to the fullest, it will be more efficient way to save data"

Naira raised her eyebrows giving him an oh-really look and said, "Good point", She moved to her seat and asked him a little casually," So have you completed all your formalities.."

"Yess I just completed my formalities" , he replied, wondering what she is upto.

She smiled to herself and said,"Good... then I want to assign your first work, go to the store door and bring the files in alphabet order and enter the data in the PC. I want all the files to be transferred into electronic devices as soon as possible"

"I am your PA not a data entry operator." He retorted back.

Naira takes the clip from the papers and puts it around her hair saying ,"you are my PA and when you signed your agreement I am sure you might have read the rules. You need to work whatever the work I say if it is related to the office. So just start your work. Rahe baat mera PA work ki, it is already on schedule for today. So start your 'data entry work' NOW" stressing more on NOW.

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