Ch: 33 Singapore Trip

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Hi Guys..I am here back with my new chapter

As Kartik and Naira planned for Singapore, they started one day before their meeting so that they could settle well before the presentation, they don't want anything to go wrong. Kartik is very angry on her for yesterday night so he did not talk with her; on other hand even Naira is angry on him too and thus the whole flight they were quiet not sharing a word. 

Both reached the hotel, Kartik said to the receptionist,"We have a reservation on the name of Mr and Mrs Kartik Goenka", 

the receptionist checks the register and says "yes sir" 

She asks Kartik to sign and turns to take the keys. 

Naira who is standing next to Kartik says "Why did you book only one room, if you expect me to stay with you in the same room then forget it" 

Kartik closes his eyes not to shout out his frustration on Naira and says "Listen Naira we will talk in the room for now let's go" 

But Naira is too stubborn and pissed off with him to hear anything. She turns towards the receptionist and says "Can I book another room in your hotel" 

Receptionist who don't know the tension between them smiles and says "sure mam" 

Kartik thinks it is better to talk with Naira later and cancel the room, for now he has no mood to argue. 

Naira takes the room keys and the receptionist informs that both their rooms are adjusant, both  Naira and Kartik are about to go when Kartik hears a familiar voice calling him " Bhai" both turns to see Kush and Trisha  entering the reception area with a broad smile. 

Kartik gets surprised; "Kush" both hugs each other. 

Kusj "Surprised naa, I know I want to give you and Naira ji a surprise so came here just one day before" 

Kusj turns towards Naira and says "how are you Naira ji" , Naira hugs Trisha and nods at Kush that she is fine. 

Trisha: Come Kush let them freshen up we will meet for lunch and by the way what is your room number

Naira says "401" and Kartik says "402", they both look at each other. 

Kusj gives a confused look and says "you both booked two rooms?" 

Naira "oh hum-" 

Kartik cuts her says "Yes, oh actually we want to make one study room kind and one our bed room. You know this is our honeymoon as well" winks at Kush meaningfully making Naira blush to core.

Kush grins says "Business tour mein honeymoon only you both can do that… chalo any other way you both at least thought of taking some break from work. Our room number is 510 in this hotel only. Just go freshen-up we will meet at lunch and take your OWN time to come down" saying he goes from there winking at Kartik. 

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