Ch: 45 Coming back from Hospital

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Hi Guys.. here is the next part

Kush ,"I... I need to go" he comes out and slaps himself cursing and sits in the lobby thinking what to do next.

In the room

Kartik ,"You met Mihir" asked directly to her. Her bends her eyes and nods her head in affirmation

Kartik: "Why?"

Naira raises her head ,"I am sorry, I know because of me everything happened, if you want to punish me I-"

Kartik, "oh tho you are feeling guilty about my accident and that is the reason why you did not came to meet me on the first day, right"

Naira felt a ping of pain in her heart, she is not able to read what Kartik is thinking. Is he angry at her? She is not sure. She continued,"Kartik please don't misunderstand me, I am really feeling guilty that because of my Uncle everything happened. I am sorry. I-"

Kartik exclaimed,"Naman zinda hain-" laughs a little. Naira stands like she heard something alien from him. He starts laughing out loud. She gives a confusion look, seeing her in perplexed mode he said, "I know my Sherni, if you come to know about Naman is behind my accident you won't leave him in peace"

Naira relaxes that Kartik is not angry at her for hiding about meeting Mihir. She still stands at a distance looking at Kartik; he opens his hand asking her to come and hug him. Naira runs towards him and hugs him without hurting him.

On the other hand Kush decides to say sorry to both Kartik and Naira for coming in between their personal matters and comes to the room but stops at the door seeing Naira hugging Kartik and Kartik patting her head affectionately with a smile. He gets relaxed and closes the door with a smile leaving the couple to have their time.

Kartik ,"Now tell me how you came to know and what you did to bechara Naman" he makes her sit beside him while he is lying on the bed.

Naira ,"On that day before coming to the party I saw the business card of Mihir and then I noticed a guy was following me. So I trapped the guy and came to know about everything. But when this happened-" she takes a deep breath the pain is clear in her eyes. Kartik puts his hand on her cheek and rubs her cheek with his fingers. She continued, "I met Mihir again and punished Naman Chachu but I gave him another chance because of Mishti and Chachi. If you feel I did wrong then-"

Kartik puts his finger on her lips,"I trust my wife more than anything and if she makes any decision then she knows what she is doing. I don't need to interfere"

Naira feels good, she loves her independence in taking decisions but not sure how Kartik feels but his words and sincerity in his eyes told her she never has to compromise in her life for anything or fear to express her feelings in front of Kartik. She puts her head on his shoulder and closes her eyes where Kartik pats her head lovingly till they hear someone clearing their throat. Naira raises from her seat to see the nurse coming with some injections.

Nurse, "I need to give injection" Naira gives a confused look 'so-what' Nurse clearly her throat and says with an attitude "to his hip" Naira understands the nurse is mocking her for not allowing her to give a sponge bath. Naira glares at her. Nurse is least bothered says, "If you want you can stay or you can leave" Naira feels like pressing her neck but controls her angry and looks at Kartik who is trying his best to hide his smile. Naira glares at him as if ordering him to stop smiling and folders her hand stands in the room.

Nurse turns towards Kartik ,"Can you turn other side"

Kartik ,"Ya sure" and Kartik turns otherside trying his best not to laugh at Naira's expressions.

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