Ch: 12 Realization

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Naira reaches her house, everything seems to be beautiful now, she was walking dreamily towards her room. She decided to take two days off for herself. This is the first time in her business life she decided to take some time for herself. She wants to know what her confused feelings are about, she wants to come to some conclusion. What is Kartik's place in her life? First she is surprised when the thought comes, when Kartik has occupied that much place in her heart and in her life, she is confused. She was lying on her bed changed into her night suit, closing her eyes remembering every single incident from the day Kartik entered her life. One thing is clear; she can believe Kartik with her closed eyes. He is the man she always dreamed secretly about - confident, straight forward, smart and intelligent. He exactly knows what he is doing, the perfect gentleman. She is very happy but at the same time she is nervous.

She realises that she has fallen in love 'if these feelings are called love then I am in love with this man, I can deny it if I want but I cannot truly fall in love with him. I will tell him how I feel about him and will leave the decision to him. What he will do, if I say I love him. Will he laugh that I have fallen in love with him in a few days? But love needs just a moment to conquer your world. Or will he accept my love with open arms? Whatever the decision may be Naira Singhania is ready to face it. Bus I want one small indication from him that he too feels the same for me'

Her thoughts were broken when Akshara comes to her room ,"Agaye beti",  Naira makes her sit on her bed, puts her head on her lab Hain maa, I decided to take leave for two days"

Akshara is surprised "Really, you don't feel well. What happened"

Naira smiles to herself, "Maa maa, just relax nothing happened to me. I just felt to take leave that's all"

Akshara: Ya toh bahut achi baat hain. Then come with us beta, your cousin Seema's marriage tomorrow night. We are going today itself for sangeeti and mehandi. You know tomorrow's muhurat is a very good one. Such muhurat comes once in 1000 years. If you get married on that day, no one can separate the couple

Naira: Oh.. well Maa...

Akshara ,"will you come", asks with a hope. Naira smiles and nods her head as yes. Akshara happily removes some lehenga but hesitates to ask Naira to wear it. Naira understands her dilemma and says "Give me maa, I will wear and pack some good saree for me for the marriage"

Akshara is on the 9th cloud to hear that. She happily hugs Naira blessing her and starts packing for Naira.

Naitik, Mishti, Mishti's mom, Krish and Naksh are waiting for Akshara to join. They all know Naira and Naman never attend any functions. Akshara comes out asks the driver to put the extra bag in the car.

Naitik: Whose bag is it

Akshara happily says, "Naira, she is also coming with us" all were shocked are shocked. Krish ,''Bua arahe hain, wow"

Naitik is also very happy he says "Ye miracle kaise ho gaya"

Akshara : aap bhi naa, mera beti pe nazar mat lagayeyye.. After a long time she is coming with us for some family get together. Tomorrow it is a very good day; I hope she gets her life partner

Naitik shakes his head smiling. Everyone's eyes turn towards the stairs hearing the footsteps. Everyone stands open mouth to see Naira coming out in green and red lehenga. Naira felt nervous looking at their surprised faces.

Akshara scolds everyone ,"Areey everyone close your mouths, nazar lagayega meri beti ko", Naira came near her mother, Akshara lovingly cups her face," Duniya ki saari khushiyaan mile meri beti ho..."

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