Ch: 8 Lust ??

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Hi Guys... I am here with another chapter...


Naira is sitting in the car with a disturbed look, Kartik also goes and sits in the car. Before Naira can say something he says "I am sorry, I was not there when you needed me. I was told you want some privacy so-"

She understood the remaining words of Kartik that Mr. Malhotra might have planned all this before. She did not give any response and asked the driver to start the car. She Wants to go home and change the dress; she was sitting covering her hand on the two broken buttons. She had been into this business world from quite a time and knew how to handle such people, but no one had dared enough to cross its limit to this extent. She was trying to control herself, deep down she was cursing herself to let it happen, she should have guessed before only and canceled the deal. She shouldn't even visit him for this deal in the first place.

Naira: Kartik, what is my next appointment

Kartik checks and informs her that her next appointment is with Mr. Mohan.

She thinks,"'I cannot postpone or cancel this appointment. They are very important clients and I have already postponed this appointment two times. What shall I do, shall I go to some shop nearby and change the dress, let me check the time. Only half an hour and it will take half an hour to reach the office, I think it will be better to delay the meeting and will apologies the team-'

her thoughts are disturbed by a knocked on her car window. She turns her head to notice that Kartik is standing at the car door. She turns her head to check at the passenger seat but finds Kartik is not there. She gets confused and downs the window.

Kartik gives a grey color scarf ,"I think this suits you" , she takes the scarf without any word, while he sits on his seat again as the signal turns green. Kartik observed Naira from the mirror, her discomfort of her dress. He sees a small shop selling different colors of scarfs, as soon as the signal turns red he goes to the shop and buys the scarf for her. Naira is too involved in her thoughts to notice this until she hears the knock on her window.

After giving the scarf he sits in his passenger seat with no expressions on his face. With his small gesture Kartik really touched the nerve in Naira's heart, he did the needful to her without telling a single word. She wears that scarf around her neck which covers her broken buttons and returned back to the office on time and held the meeting perfectly. Kartik is impressed with her ability in work and also handling the situations & people like Mr. Malhotra. The incident rised a sign of respect for Naira in Kartik's heart where Naira felt unknown happiness with the gesture of Kartik's.

Though a small gesture it really has its impact on Naira. After the meeting when everyone is leaving the room she called him "sunooo", he turns towards her while mustering a lot of courage she said,"T-thanks". He was surprised for a min, never that imagined a Thanks from her, but knowing the condition and situation he nodded his head and went from there.

In the evening the headlines hit like a thunderbolt to Malhotra's. The news clip where Naira stabbed Malhotra is shown repeatedly. Akshara who never concentrated on news came out from her kitchen when Naitik shouted for her. Everyone is shocked to see the news. Naira entered the house to see everyone was serious and Akshara was almost in tears.

She goes near to Akshara, "Maa what happened" then turns towards TV and sees the news "oh, tho reporters ne news capture karliya"

Akshara: Beti ye sab kisleya, please leave this business field. I don't want to see you hurt

Naira: Maa, please. I know how to handle myself and these things are common in business field

Naitik: Common in business field beta but not for our family

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