Ch: 30 She trusts him blindly

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Hi Guys.. here is y next part..

Morning Naira slowly opens her eyes to feel something hard under her cheek, she raises her head to see the rise and fall of a chest, she opens her eyes wide and tries to get back only to be pulled back by Kartik's arms which were placed securely around her. Naira puts her hand on Kartik's naked chest and raises little to see Kartik is in deep sleep and she is literally sleeping on him. Her head on his chest, her hand is around his waist, her legs are interlinked with his. She swallows the lump that formed in her throat and thinks 'how did I come from coach to bed. And god how can I sleep like this'

Naira tries to push Kartik's hands around her waist without waking him up. He slowly leaves her, taking the opportunity she immediately steps out of the bed adjusts her dress and runs towards the bathroom. She stands against leaning to the closed door controlling her heart beat, her heart is happy and is in fact jumping in joy to see herself in her loved one's arms first thing in the morning but her mind is not ready to accept this change.

Kartik turns with closed eyes and starts searching for Naira beside him on the bed, when he cannot find her, he gives a frustrated sigh and opens his eyes, gets up from the bed to hear water sound coming from the bathroom. He takes a deep breath and comes out of Naira's room going towards his room in a sleepy mood, finds Suhasini standing at her door folding her hands looking at Kartik grinning at him. Kartik smiles back lazily, still walking towards his room. Suhasini laughs out loud and says "Mana lo apni wife ko nahi toh roj aisa chakkar katna padenga from your room to her room" pats on his cheeks and goes down to the dining room. Kartik pulls his hair back thinking 'why should I have to manavoo her, I did nothing wrong and I won't say sorry. Kartik Goenka never learned to get defeated.' Kartik goes to his room to get ready for the office

Manish and Suhasini are having their breakfast talking with Surekha and Akhilesh who are on their way to their friend's house in Mumbai. Naira comes and sits silently besides Kartik without looking at him. But she knows Kartik is looking at her. She curses herself nth time as her cheeks are becoming pink due to blush. Though Kartik is enjoying Naira's discomfort.

Naira starts eating her breakfast when Kartik whispers "how did you sleep on my -" and stops, Naira starts coughing badly. Kartik hides his smile and passes the water to her. Naira takes the water from his hand and looks into his eyes, his eyes are not mocking but smiling at her with love. 'LOVE' the words struck in her throat, she didn't know where that word came from describing Kartik's look, she swallowed her drinking water but still looked into his eyes. Suhasini's voice brought Naira back to the world "Naira are you ok beta"

Naira "ji dadi"

Manish "Kartik and Naira as you both know we have a board meeting @ 10 AM. You both come to the office together."

Before Naira can say no, Kartik speaks out "sure dad"

Manish smiles and leaves for office. Suhasini goes to the garden still talking with Surekha leaving Naira with Kartik alone.

Kartik "To chalee sweet heart"

Naira glares at him "why did you shift me from coach to my bed"

Kartik keeps an innocent face and says "Me, I think you have the habit of walking in your sleep. You yourself came to the bed and slept all over me" completes with a wink.

Naira closes her eyes; she can imagine herself sleeping on Kartik hugging him. She stammers "I.. I don't walk in sleep"

Kartik innocently says "how can I know?" and hiding his smiles goes towards the door.

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