Ch: 41 Enemies Revealed

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Naira ,"Who are you and why are you following me"

Mihir ,"Madam please remove that sharp think it is paining at that place I had a surgery"

Naira releases the screwdriver a little and asks ,"First tell me who are you?"

Mihir thinks 'It is a waste of time, Naira ji has seen me she will surely bring out my biodata if I won't tell her' at the same time his cell rings. 

Mihir curses the caller,  but Naira said ,"Pick the phone and put in loudspeaker" 

Mihir ,"madam ya mera personal call hain"

Naira said threatening him ,"Do as I say," as she thinks Mihir is some killer and the call may be from the person who wants to kill her, chances are there that call may be regarding her so she wants to hear it. To Mihir bad luck the call is from Kartik, he thinks 'I think today everything will come out'

Mihir lifts the call and puts it in loud speaker ,"Hello Sir," 

Kartik on otherside ,"Mihir where are you? Naira has started at home, follow her till the hotel don't miss her"

Naira expressions changed to confusion hearing to Kartik's voice, Mihir notices it and don't want her to misunderstand Kartik says ,"Sir I am following her, don't worry she is in safe hands"

Kartik ,"Ok Mihir I am about to reach the party hall, take care," and cuts the call. 

Naira looks at Mihir as if asking 'what all this?' 

Mihir ,"Madam  mera naam Mihir Singh hain aur mein aap ka body guard hu," 

Naira repeats with a confusion ,"Body guard"

Naira is confused slowly release the screwdriver repeating ,"Body guard"

Mihir ,"ji, I think it is a waste to hide anything now as you have seen me. I am sure Kartik sir won't leave me if I tell you everything but it is better if you know the whole truth"

Naira ,"Tell me the truth, why Kartik appointed you as my bodyguard and from when. Even I want to see the proofs"

Mihir ,"Proofs, I cannot show you now it is in my office-,"

Naira cuts him ,"Lets go to your office,"

Mihir ,"But you are getting late for the party"

Naira ,"I will take care of it, lets go"

Mihir ,"As you wish madam"

Mihir starts on his bike and Naira follows him, she is too confused 'Why Kartik keeps a bodyguard for me.. Why..?? is my life at risk.??' She stops her car in front of Mihir's office building,

Seeing the building she remembers ,"This is the same building where Kartik met me, it means I saw the stranger with him but Kartik bluffed me on that day, why?"

Naira's determination to know the truth increased now, till now she is in dilemma whether to go with Mihir or to return back to the party and ask Kartik. She goes into Mihir's office. Mihir asks her to sit in his cabin and opens his security case, he removes a few papers which he feels are not good for Naira to see which includes the details of the third person and brings the file to Naira. Naira observes every move of Mihir but misses that Mihir removed some papers as he is turned otherside hiding the view with his large body. Mihir gives the file to Naira. She opens the file eagerly when Mihir starts his story ,"Mam Mr. Malhotra has given your name to a gangster to kill you as due to you his name is trashed and all his business are almost closed. According to Kartik ji two attempts happened in london"

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