Ch: 44 Punishing Naman

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Hi Guys.. here is my next part..

In the morning Naira sleeps with her head on the bed, somewhere She feels something moving she opens her eyes to see Kartik is moving and it looks like he is about to wake-up. She sits with a jerk and runs out of the room before Kartik can open his eyes. There, Kartik wakes-up and searches for Naira, he can smell her aroma in the air. He thinks 'Why I feel Naira is here till now' he tries to get up calling "Naira", where Naira who is hiding herself beside the door sees Kartik trying to sit and catches his chest with pain. She becomes restless and runs to call the nurse and send the nurse in to stop Kartik from trying to sit.

Kartik : Did you see my wife, can you please call her I need her

Nurse : Sure, she is outside I will call her

Naira closes her eyes 'oh god this nurse be..'

Kartik feels happy, he thinks 'Is Naira hiding from me? but why? I can feel her in this room; her aroma is filled in air. Then why is she not coming in front of me? Yesterday also everyone came except her. I slept waiting for her. Let her come I will ask her directly''

Nurse comes and says "Naira ji Kartik ji is calling you", Naira glares at the nurse, where the nurse becomes a little intimate with her angry look and almost runs from there bending her head.

Naira "Now what can I do?" at the same time Kush comes there "Hey Naira ji, did Bhi wake-up"

Naira: Yes, he is waiting for you. I will go home, freshen-up and will come. Can you take care of him till then

Kush :Sure, whole night you stayed here, so just go and take rest

Naira feels relaxed and goes home but her heart is still roaming around Kartik.

Kush enters the room, "Hey Bhai, whats-up. Now tell me what happened actually. Police and reporters want to talk with you but dad stopped them all. Police think that it is a missing identity case, maybe the person came to kill someone and shot at you by mistake because we never received any kind of warning from any gang for money then who wanted to kill you. Moreover someone disturbed CC cameras in the parking slot so no one knows who it is but still searching is going on. And you know this police system, proof theek ho tho be chor ko pakadna mushkil hai now there is no lead then now can they find it."

Kartik does not hear anything that Kush said, his eyes searching for Naira.

At last Kartik asks with frustration "Where is Naira"

Kush: She just went home, bechari whole night she is here and you know she stayed for the whole day in mandir for you yesterday. She is very tired so I send her to take rest

Kartik thought it felt bad for Naira to stay the whole night without rest but he wanted to see her desperately.

Kartik thinks 'I still remember I told her - I love her, but why is she avoiding me from then. I should not have told her that I love her then she would have been with me'

he pouts like a child looking at the window.

Kush talks and cracks jokes though Kartik feels light but his heart and mind are still waiting for Naira. Everyone from the Singhania family and the Goenka family came to meet Kartik. Manish asks Kartik if he has doubts on anyone. But he says he has no doubt about anyone. Doctor checks up Kartik and says they will discharge him in 5 days but he has to take bed rest till he completely recovers, and warns no business till he recovers. Manish decides to take business responsibilities from him till Kartik recovers and surprisingly everyone Kush offers Manish to help him in business on behalf of Kartik. Everyone feels happy that one good thing about this incident is Kush is showing interest in joining the business to give rest to Kartik and taking Goenka foundation responsibilities.

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