Ch: 20 What Kartik is Hiding

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Hi Guys... Here is the next part

Naira: Dadi ji I am going to office

Suhasini, "office, but beta-"

Manish interferes ,"let her go maa, she might have a lot of work. We cannot stop her from working"

Suhasini ,"Fine beta, but take leave for one week when your marriage is fixed. Tomorrow as soon as Kush's parents come home we will decide the marriage dates." Naira nods her head. Suhasini "Kittu drop Naira at her office"

Kartik who is acting busy with his breakfast says without raising his head from breakfast "No dadi I have a lot of work and more over her office is far away from my work. I cannot drop her"

Naira ,"mein taxi-"

Manish, "Come on Naira beta, taxi ki kya jarurat hai. If Kartik is busy Kush will drop you"

Kush, "Of course Naira ji, vase hein main free huu. Mera tho koi kaam nahi hai" he says with a sheepy grin. Naira returns a smile. Naira reluctantly does her breakfast as she donot want to break Suhasini's heart. She already has a soft corner for Suhasini. Naira missed her dadi who died when she was in school. Suhasini is really a sweet and caring dadi. Naira started respecting her very much.

Kartik starts at his office and thinks 'Sorry Naira I cannot trust myself with you alone and you are looking ravishing. I promise Dadi that I won't come near you until marriage. I need to keep you safe from me till then' he smiles to himself. Naira and Kush start to go to the office.

Kush, "Naira ji tho bathayeya aap ko aur bhai ko kab aur kasi pyaar hogaya"

Naira repeats "pyaar"

Kush," Hain pyaar, Kartik never believes love and love marriages. He always says that marriage is like a profit and loss statement. Just a give and take business. God I never understand his logic in all this. I don't know why he didn't believe in love but now I think he too started believing in love, otherwise marriage would have happened so suddenly. I couldn't even digest"

Naira thinks ,"Even I don't know why he married me. May be for Business', when Kush is introduced to Naira, she gets angry remembering Kartik and Kush's bet. What used to be angry on Kush. She should get her answers only from Kartik. So she decided not to keep any sour relationship with Kush. At Least she can have a friend in the form of Kush. She wants to share everything with Kush but she doesn't know where to start and where to end, so she decides against it and leaves the matter till she can talk with Kartik.

Kush and Naira did not observe that a black car is following them and a person is following the car on his bike. When the car was about to reach Kush and Naira's car, the bike person went and stopped in front of the black car blocking the way. Naira and Kush are in their own world to notice this, as it is really hard for Kush to drive on Indian roads he is fully concentrating on driving where Naira is in her own world

Kush drops Naira and promises to pick her up, Naira politely rejects. Naira enters her office. As soon as she enters everyone is shocked to see Naira in saree. Everyone stands with an open mouth; they could not remove their eyes. Naira feels a little uncomfortable, she takes a deep breath and says "Is any circus going on here, just get back to your work" and walks to her cabin.

She sits in her chair and puts her hand on her head. 'No Naira you cannot just sit and mourn like this. I need to talk with Kartik' she picks her cell to dial his number, stops to see that she has stored Kartik's number, she corrected it as Kartik .She makes a fist allowing her nails to dig into her palm still staring at the phone screen. Then she remembers the mehindi incident ' she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. She calls Kartik's number recorded in her cell but it is switched off. 'Is this his real number, oh god, even I don't know what his number is. Whom can I ask'? She hears a knock "Come in"

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