Ch: 18 Perplexed

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Naira hears every word without fail, at last  asks, "Then why did you marry me?"

She rises from the sofa, goes and stands in front and ask him "Do you love me?" she knows it is too late to ask this question but she cannot stop herself from asking the question. Maybe Kartik loves her and maybe that is the reason why he married her but the answer of Kartik devastated her.

Kartik: I felt you are perfect for me. As I said Singhania and Goenka collaboration will be a sensation. Marriage is always a profit and loss statement for me. You found some benefits in me so you accepted my marriage proposal and I felt you are perfectly compatible for me in the business field and" gives a seductive grin "also in the personal field" Naira feels disgusted.

Naira: How can you deceive me Kartik Goenka

Kartik: Deceive, come on Naira. I married you and even registered our marriage. If you see the positive side of the marriage it is really profit for both of us and-

Naira cuts him ,"Kartik Goenka you hidden your identity from me and everything about you is a lie. How can you expect a marriage built on a pack of lies to stay forever" 

Kartik : Naira please don't  behave like an old fashioned girl? Nothing is permanent here; I just said my name wrong but never acted out of my character. I am the same person who joined your organization and the same man who you married and if you observe from the last 10 minutes you are referring to me as Kartik Goenka you already forgot my old name is 'Kartik Kumar'"

He completed as if he was mocking her. Naira closes her eyes feeling like a fool. How can she accept this relationship, a mocking relationship on the name of marriage, in thelong prevail silence he said," Come lets go"

Kartik and Naira started going to the Goenka mansion. After the discussion Naira did not try to ask any information from Kartik, she did not even ask where they were going or Kartik didn't have time for Naira to react. She is immersed in her thoughts. Kartik entered Goenka mansion and killed the engine. He went and opened the door for Naira. But Naira is still in her thoughts to notice that.

Kartik "Naira, we are home" Naira did not respond. He carssed, her cheek, giving a slow peck and  whispering in her ears ,"We are home, sweet heart", Naira jerked her head to look at him. She is shocked at her body response. She still can feel the shiver run down her spine; her body is shamelessly reacting to him. Is it lust, no it cannot be, she cannot insult her love for him tagging as lust, does this mean she loves him so much? Oh god it hurts, it hurts so much. Her chain of thoughts are broken by Akshara's voice "Naira beta", Naira turns her head to see Akshara standing at the door. Naira thought she came to Singhania nivas, she checks her surroundings but it is not Singhania Nivas then where she is and what is her mother doing here. Kartik moves aside and Naira comes out of the car, goes near Akshara and hugs her fighting her tears.

 Her tears are threatening to leave her eyes after seeing her mother. Oh she wants to cry, cry her heart out. She did not remember when she actually cried last time. May be in her school when her friends bitched about her at her back. After that she never cried, she thinks tears are very valuable and decided not to waste on useless people but here who brought these tears back in her eyes is the man she loves, the man with whom she wants to share her life, can life be so cruel.

Again Akshara words brought her back to the world "I am so happy that you are married. I don't know why you hurriedly married but-"

Kartik cuts her "I am sorry aunty; it is my insisting that she accepted. I think the blame should go to me"

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