Ch: 46 Years of Togetherness

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Next day, Naman Singhania joins Singhania office. The first shock came to Naitik Singhania; he cannot believe his brother is working. He thought it was a miracle but felt happy that at last his brother became responsible. Naman thought of doing the work very badly and escaped it. But Naira knows his intentions very well so she called him and warned him not to do any mischief or he will be punished mercilessly. Naman became quiet and tried his best to work. Naira checked all her work from home as Naitik is taking care of meetings and other things left. Kartik is given full rest, as Kush is sincerely working with Manish and Akhilesh.

Kartik felt invalid and warned everyone if he is not allowed to work he will start his workouts in gym. At last Manish gave some budget files and asked him to work but not to strain much. Trisha also joins the office, as she dont want to sit idle at home and Manish supports her. After few days Kartik bandage is removed and he is well much fit now. And later both Kartik and Naira went to their respect offices.

7 months passed away in a blink, one fine evening Kartik announced that Naira and he are going to farm house for 15 days for their honeymoon making Naira blush and embarrass in front of everyone. But everyone laughed and encouraged them to enjoy their holiday.

Naira and Kartik start at a farm house where she sits quiet as she is angry with Kartik for embarrassing her infront of everyone talking about their honeymoon. After Kartik left Suhasini, Trisha and Surekha teased Naira like anything, so she got angry and slept with Suhasini leaving Kartik in his room. Kartik is busy with his last minute work so he did not bother her. Naira expected Kartik to come to Suhasini's room and take her but Kartik slept in the study room itself between his files. Now they are on the way to their farm house and Naira sits in her seat with an irritating expression.

Kartik smiles looking at her cute angry face, he knows Naira is very happy to go on a holiday but may be the way he announced in front of everyone made her shy and he is true but what Naira can do Kartik is like that, says everything bluntly. Though she is jumping inside to spend time with her husband but does not want to give up soon, she is trying her best to change her shyness and excitement into anger. But whom she is fooling, Kartik knows her very well.

Kartik is driving the car and tries to pull Naira towards him, but she pushes him and glares at him says, "Look in front of you and drive"

Kartik sighs, "Fine madam" , 'I will see once we reach the farm house', he tells himself.

As they are nearing to farm house where Naira's excitement starts increasing , she feels butterflies in her stomach. The farmhouse where they had their first night is very much special to them, all the memories flushed infront of her seeing the ntrace. Kartik Stops the car and helped Naira to step out, the same way he did when he married to her. Enterwinning their fingers, they both went indies, Kartik had already asked th servants to keep their luggage in the room. Knowing how much this place is special to them, he took her hand and took her to a walk to coll her nerves. He can feel what is going on in her, after for a walk of few minutes she feels relaxed, the garden and refreshing air had taken all the tiredness and jiddiness.

Tried to comfort the environment they both talk about their work and everything and finally went inside to have lunch. The servants have already arranged lunch for them, having lunch sharing loving gaze to each other, they talked with Suhasisni informing her that everything is fine in farm house and they have reached safely.

Naira decides to watch a movie which she does very rarely. Both Kartik and Naira selected a few movies after a long time and watched togetherly, which they never did. By evening Naira slept in Kartik arms while watching the TV. He looked at her lovingly and did not disturned her, he knew how much Naira had been working these few months, they both were too tied up with their daily routine and now really they need res. He picks her softly in a bridal way and went back to their bed room and places her on the bed joining her.

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