Ch: 16 You are Mine ( Mature)

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Hi.. guys I am here with another chapter

Naira dressed herself in the saree and looked at herself in the mirror, her hair partition is filled with red vermilion, a black bead mangalsootra on her neck and sudden redness on her cheeks and white color was just enhancing everything.  She is wearing the gift of her husband, 'Husband' word struck in her heart, bringing current to flow down through her spine. She looked at her mehendi which was now much darker, her thoughts diverted to what the ladies said and thought,"That means..m my husband really loves me so much..." She blushed at her own thoughts.

Checking herself for the last time she stepped out of the dressing area and  looked around the room, the room was maintained well, the wall colors and everything was looking rich.

She puts the pack on the table, and turn around to observe the room when her eyes fall on the bed, a lump formed in her throat though she swallows it quickly calming herself. She felt her cheeks are getting ," Oh God... Why I am blushing .. this need to happen one Day..Naira.... Control yourself..."

She look around to find Kartik standing near the window white shirt and trouser looking fresh, handsome and sexy all in the same time. She tip toed towards him not making any sound and hugged him from behind, his presence, his aura was taking her to different island, unintentionally she was caressing his body from his shirt but still can feel his built torso which was making her knees weak. Closing her eyes she just grasped the moment that it is all real.

Seems her thought were read by her husband, he turned her and said cupping her face," It is real Naira... As real that now you are my wife.."

Naira blushes a little but gets shocked to see his  physique. He has opened first few buttons of his shirt and the moment ago what she was feeling now she could see to her naked eyes, slowly her eyes traced from his chest to his chin to his lips which were smirking when she locked her eyes to his, she could see a naughty glint as if saying ," Checking me out ." She turned her face in shyness, he slowly cupped her face and said," Haq hai tumhara.."  Naira felt so lucky to have Kartik in her life, he understood her every silence...she opened her eyes to see how terrific handsom he looks, in that loose shirt no one could say he has this built body but here, she was just getting drowned infront of his aroma but shoon shyness took over she turned blushing hardly covering her face with her hands, he giggled at her innocence and hugged her from back whispereing in her ear," You have the right Naira, to check your husband. So-" touches her ear with his lips whispering "What do you think about me"

Naira has no words, for the first time she felt she had no answer. He slowly turned her caressing her cheeks, " You are really beautiful and I told you... and I am glad I was right... you look more beautiful,  when you blush. I thought of seeing like this from the day I saw you for the first time" saying he kisses  on both of her cheeks. She closes her eyes as his touch was burning her skin, he clutched her tightly through her waist sliding his hand and tracing his skin against hers making shiver to ran down.

Slowly he started  caressing her face with lips, kissing eyelids, cheeks bones, temple and other side of the cheek, unknowingly Naira opened the rest of the buttons of his shirt and caressed his chest, she was too much into his effect that didn't realized what she is doing, her moment broke when heard a deep sigh. Naira opens to see her husband takeimg a deep breath whispering to her, "Your touch is burning me Naira, you have no idea you gave me many sleepless nights"

Naira blushes; he slowly takes her face in his hands and gives a hot breathless kiss on her lips, it was rough yet passionate, wild yet had love, breaking to take some air he joined his forehead with hers, while turned showing her back out of shyness. She took a step ahead when she felt a tug, Kartik was  holding her pallu to go away, when swiftly he removed it from her shoulder making it to join the floor, he slowly move forwards, bringing her hair to one side of her shoulder he passionately kissed her shoulder blades followed by her nape. She just arched are neck more to give him more access, while her one hand was running over his hair,he slowly bend down kissing her arms, he moves to her navel and placed a soft yet sensuous kiss taking the pleats of her Saree how kind of unwrapping his gift for her.

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