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🕵️ Shadow Hunter 🕵️
He smiled at her and got into the car...she dashed in too..

  "Fasten your seatbelt", he told her..and zoomed off, driving recklessly as he sped away, trying to get away from the truck full of 'cowards' after him...

  "Slow down... I'll be sick!", She screamed, trying to balance herself on the seat as the car bumped up and down....

"Stop the car...i'm gonna puke!", She shrieked, covering her mouth...He wasn't paying attention to her as he steered the wheel.. uncontrollably...

  "I said...stop the car!", She yelled, also getting hold of the steering wheel ...

"Alright fine, I'll stop it!", he snapped, as he screeched to a stop..She panted heavily and stared hard at him...just then, her eyes diverted to the side mirror and saw the truck, pulling quickly and firing at them..a bullet hit the mirror which shattered...she ducked, screaming..

"Have you lost your mind? get going..", she yelled, tugging at Steve's shirt...

"You told me to stop!", He replied, folding his arms...

"Forget it.... let's go!", She yelled, trembling just as the bullets hit the car...

"Get me outta here..", she pulled his arms vigorously...

"Wait in here", he ordered as he got out of the car.

"Absobloodylutely no!", She retorted and she got out also...

"i'm going home...i'm not with you...i'm never with you!".She yelled and tried running off but the bullets were really vicious as they whizzed past her by luck...

Stopping, she ran back to him as she  embraced him frightened...

"i'm with you...i'm with you", she spluttered...

"What did I tell you?", He asked..

"To wait in the car ", she replied, trembling..

"And what did you do?", He asked again..

"I got out..I got out", she shivered...

"Trust me... nothing's gonna happen to's either you're safe with me or you're a goner with them", he said, handing her a gun...

"Huh?", She gasped out...

"Take it", he ordered...she collected the gun in her trembling hands...

"I...I.. can't u..use a g..g..un", she stammered...

"Just hold case you're being attacked while i'm away..I want you to pull the trigger and have to do it", he said in a hurry as he took a sniper..

She gasped..."please stop killing people", she cried..

"I understand you're in shock...but i'm just gonna reason some things with them okay?" He said and she nodded quickly...

"Well...i'm gonna kill them actually" he smirked and left...she squatted behind the car, covering her ears....
  Distracting the attackers, Steve ran out of their sight, hiding at a corner and getting a clear view,....he fired at the truck which went up in flames.... sighing deeply, he dusted his gun and went back to the car...

"Hey!", He called out to Lisa who was still trembling...

"You're a criminal", she murmured still in shock...He pulled her up.

"I just can't believe how i'm officially the girlfriend of a criminal...I mean how do they even think we're dating?", She scowled at him..

"Let's go..", he said, ignoring her as he sighted a guy park his white Lamborghini...

"Where?", She asked....

"You ask so many questions...just follow me", he replied... She sighed, lagging behind.

The well dressed guy who had parked his car, walked past them, making a phone a swift, Steve snatched the car keys from his pocket and walked towards the car...

"Where are we off to and why are you stealing that car?", She questioned, alarmed.

"Not stealing...i'm just borrowing it", he replied as he got in and waited for her....

"Aren't you coming?".

"I shouldn't have gone for that party!", She bit her lower lip as she got into the car also, he sped off....



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