Escape to danger

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  "Running from one prison to another..first my Dad, now...a total stranger?!",Lisa grumbled as she walked briskly, flagged down a cab and headed home.

Arriving in front of her house, she sighed deeply and got out.

"Wait here, I'll get your cash", she mumbled to the driver and walked to her doorstep, then paused before she pressed the door bell...

Her father opened the door...

"Um...hi Dad..I no cash on me..I kindda kept the driver waiting.. please help me out", she begged, staring at her father's puzzled look....

"Here's my wallet", he handed his wallet over to her..

"Thanks Dad... you're the best!". She grabbed the wallet, took some dollars, paid the driver and got into the house, her father was munching down meatballs and a glass of milk....he looked up at her twinkling eyes and sighed..

"I grounded you and you snuck out...what if you were attacked? I don't want anything bad to happen to you... you're all I've got". He said with a tone of unhappiness...

  "I know father...and I'm sorry... triple sorry, if there was any word more than sorry I'd say it... I promise, it won't happen again", she apologized....

Sally wagged her tail, approaching the sitting room happily....

   "Awwwn girl you missed me right?", Lisa cooed, as she squatted down and carried her in her arms..

"I missed you more"..she said, stroking her gently...

  "I don't want you out of the house again....all I'm doing is for your's very dangerous out there okay?", Her father implied...

"But dad?", She said, dazzled..."I can't remain indoors forever...",

"If that's what would keep you safe...I'm afraid it's forever", he grumbled, then picked up his tray, patted her shoulder and was heading to the kitchen, when a window shattered and something knocked the tray off his hand...

Both gasping, Lisa and her father...stared at the direction of the window...

  "What in the world!!", He exclaimed as he pulled his daughter...."get outta here quickly....I want you out now!!", He yelled...

"But dad?!", She called out confused...

"No buts...get out!!", He shrieked....she ran towards the kitchen, trying to get out of the house...

Bringing out a pistol, her father fired at a group of people who stood outside their house.

"You have to surrender agent Ed!", The lady in red hood called out in a megaphone...

  "Never!", He yelled out and fired at them again...

"Alright my guest", she said, smirking and shot at him also, shattering the windows and moving closer to the house...Agent Ed grabbed his phone and dialled a number...

"Emergency you read me? I need back ups...send backups!", He yelled.

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   Lisa held Sally close to her body as she took the bush track, running as fast as she could....just then, she ran into a man in black...he fondled his flick knife as he smirked at her..

She gasped, stopping abruptly and tried to reverse....but ran into another man....

"Whoa whoa whoa...hey must have missed your way, you know this road is actually leading to 'heaven knows where', and um..heh, I kindda lost my way so I'll be going back...sorry for disturbing you...heh, if you'd excuse me...I'll be on my way, she chuckled nervously, as she almost took a step further when.....

"One more step and I'll cut you to pieces", a deep, rough voice said,...she felt a cold chill run down her spine....

He grabbed her and tied her hands while the other snatched Sally..

"Hey!, don't hurt her", she yelled...

"We won't....", They replied..."if you'll co-operate with us", one of them added...

"What do you want from me?!", She growled...but then she felt a prick in her arm....staring at it, she became dizzy and shut her eyes.....

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  Opening her eyes, she found herself in a dark room, tied to a wooden chair ...her mouth was gagged.

"mmh mmh mmh", she muffled, trying to wiggle free..."ugh!", She groaned, when it was all in vain...

"Hey!", She heard someone snap behind her as he hit the chair...

"Stop fidgeting and keep calm", he ordered, moving around her in circles then stopped , squatting opposite her and flashed a light on her face ....she shut her eyes, facing away as the rays of light, pierced through her lenses...

   "Aww does it hurt?", He asked as he smirked at her...."look at me!", He snapped..she remained adamant, closing her eyes..."look- at- me", he repeated...she ignored him..."Alright!", He stood up and turned on the lights..."kill the dog!", He ordered and she flicked her eyes open staring pop-eyed..

"mmh mmh", she muffled, shaking her head negatively....

"OH! You finally opened your I was saying...".

  "Mmh mmh", she tried wriggling free as she interrupted him....

Sighing deeply, he untied her mouth...

"Don't you dare touch her!", She snapped as she stared at the man....

  "You!", She growled..."you drugged me...why did you abduct me?".

The other kidnapper who held Sally, walked up to her, stroking Sally...

"Your father is in possession of some stuffs that belongs to our boss", he said...

"My father?", She asked, confused...

"Yes! he's a criminal! He stole three gems from three respective sources...", He growled at her....

"My father would do no's in the papers..the Shadow Hunter stole them!", She retorted...

"Yeah yeah, we know daddy's find it difficult to believe your dad's a petty little thief...well just so you know..the so called Shadow Hunter works for him", he smirked...

"No you're wrong my dad works for the government!", She snapped..

"Stealing gems for the government?", He asked, mockingly...

"No!, He's the president of the G.A.F", she argued "he's not a thief".

"Who cares if he's the president of the government agent force...all that matters is that he steals the gems for the government's selfish desires", he replied...
"You're such a big fat liar", she yelled, glaring at them..

"You can call us anything you wish but you must co-operate with us else...I'll slit open the throat of your dear puppy".He smirked....

       Poor sally😥 what's gonna    
                 Happen to her?


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