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🕵️ Shadow Hunter 🕵️

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  "Hey daddy!" Lisa called out as she got into the house and found her father trying to make a phone call.

  "Oh baby, thank goodness..I was just tryna reach Zoe"...

  "Hello Dad", Zoe and Amy chorused..." you doin'?, He asked as his daughter limped towards him, he embraced her, stroking her hair gently, "I thought I lost you to them", he murmured..."No!," She sniffed in..."Never!".

  "My lil girl..I was so scared", he puffed, holding her cheeks..

"Don't worry dad, I can take care of myself", she smiled weakly,...

"But you're badly hurt", he grunted..."oh that bastard! Gerald!", he growled..."I'm so gonna pluck out his eyes and break every single bone in him,.. he's gonna pay for what he did to you!".

  "Dad..", she said as she freed herself from his embrace..."some one saved me...he had to get into a fight with Gerald and his accomplices..yunno how dangerous they are...he was.. incredible and he took me to the hospital after chasing them off...then, settled my bills...buh I have no idea who he is or how he came about...He just disappeared all of a sudden, I wanted badly to thank him so so much..."

   "How I wish I could meet him in person and express my gratitude", her father said...."May the heaven's bless him"

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"Men!..I so love shopping with you guys... you're awesome! Lisa exclaimed as she pushed the trolley, pointing out some groceries she needed, while Amy and Zoe, fished them out...

    "You know, this is the craziest idea ever...if your dad finds out we took you out for shopping, he'll be mad at us and boy! will he ground you". Amy said,...

    "Don't worry, he won't be back till dusk, I have all the time to myself", Lisa cheered.

     "But this is crazy!, you're still recovering and yet you stress yourself?" Zoe asked..
"I'm fine okay? stop worrying about me, i'm okay", Lisa replied, getting frustrated.

"Alright, alright!", Amy grumbled, "Fine, you're ok, nothing more. Facing Zoe, she mouthed..."She's o.....k"

    They continued their shopping in silence until they spotted a guy, flirting with a girl who didn't seem to be interested, she pushed her trolley, slowly, scanning the store to pick what she needed...

    "He's wasting his time"..Zoe chuckled...

   "I'm still wondering how he keeps following her, even as she snubs....blaaar! cheeky!"Amy said in disgust..Lisa giggled as she watched the scene,... suddenly she hit someone with her trolley...her packages scattered on the floor as her foil tore..."Ughhh!" The lady pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration.

   "I'm so sorry, I'll pack them for you!", Lisa apologized, squatting down to pick them up.....

"Gosh! three monkeys escaped from the Zoo...One was caught watching t.v, the other was playing football, while the last, just hit me with a.... heaven's know what.....

  "A trolley," a girl whispered to her...."whatever!", the bitchy girl replied.....

"Excuse me?", Lisa was thrown aback as she stood up from the floor.."did you just call me a monkey?"she asked.

    "if there was any word more than that, I would say it", the bitchy girl said, folding her arms as there was an uproar laughter in the store...

"But it was a mistake!," Zoe said,...."she even apologized," Amy cut in...

"It's fine guys, she's asking for it and i'm gonna give her what she's looking for", Lisa said, facing the girl..."you're really a nice bitch buh you gotta do two things early in the morning....first things first,...pray to God so that you can live..and secondly, take a bath so that others can live.."

    Now the store really went uproar with laughter..

"Boy! what a show," a guy gasped out as he kept his trolley aside to watch...

   "Animal!",the bitchy girl growled...then maintained a cool composure ...."you really need to go to u.s.a, coz some scientist gotta test how you can leave without a brain...", She said.

    "Ha, ha, ha, funny",Lisa replied smirking..."I think you should really find out what you are and once you do....mental hospital is not so far...."She said winking at the girl who was boiling in anger....while some people were killing themselves with laughter..."yunno wat huni?", Lisa said, looking directly into the girl's eyes..."you're one of the most CUTE persons in the world...",she paused as the people in the store gasped in surprise....

"Just a sec"...., she waved her hands interrupting their murmurings,.."CUTE, means 'creating useless troubles everywhere' "

   They bursted out in laughter as Lisa pushed her trolley away..."nice meeting you sweetheart," she blew a kiss at the bitchy girl who stood dumbstruck!...

   Suddenly a moan was heard as a guy fell to the ground...he had received a punch from a girl...the same girl, he had been flirting with for a while... everyone turned to look at the girl....

    "what?! he told me earlier that i'm cute....."

       Aww Lisa's so beautiful right guys?!!😍👆


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