Dame in distress

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  Sneaking into his room, through his window, Steve laid quietly on his bed...soon his mother knocked on his room door...

   "Honey, won't you join us for breakfast?", She asked...

  "I'll be at the dining in a jiffy!", He yelled out....just then another knock was heard ....

  "I said I'm coming...". He yelled..

"Hey Steve! It's me", Daniel called from outside...

  "What's up buddy?" Steve jumped out of bed and unlocked his door..

"Hi!", Daniel greeted, entering the room with his puppy, who wagged it's tail happily and ran around Steve.. Daniel chuckled, "I think he likes you...".

"So..it's your new pet...he has a name?", Steve asked...

"Yeah I named him Jack !", Daniel replied excitedly...

"Wow...jack! Hey, sit jack!" Steve ordered while the puppy casted him its puppy eyes and was wagging it's tail..

"He doesn't know how to sit?", He asked..

"Nah... he's still new, I'll teach him how to sit and catch stuffs later", Daniel replied, carrying the puppy in his arms..."My Chocolates?" He snapped all of a sudden...

  "Well I couldn't break my promise little guy", Steve said, stuffing his hand into his sweater pocket and handing over some bars of chocolates to his brother....

"Ohh nice", Daniel licked his lips.."nice doing business with you", he winked at Steve, collecting the chocolates and leaving the room..."Mom's already at the dining", he yelled...

"Yeah I'm right behind you", Steve called out, after him as he banged his room door shut!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Back at the hotel....

   Waking up from her slumber, Lisa rolled to the other side of the bed where a stool was....she glanced at a glass cup on the stool ....a piece of paper was underneath it..

   Jumping down from the bed and carrying the glass off the paper, she picked it up and read...

   ' SORRY', was written boldly on it.....she sighed and shook her head.

"What a guy!", Soon her eyes diverted to a transmitter....he had talked about the transmitter, she thought as she picked it up also and stuffed it into her pants pocket.

Then, she thought of going home.

  How will I get home?, She panicked..my dad's so gonna be mad at me

  A knock was heard and she gasped, jerking up from the bed.

"Who's there?", She asked.

"Excuse me ma'am..I've been waiting for a while now", A man replied..

"Pardon?!" She asked, flinging the door open.."

I was ordered to drive you home", he said...

"I don't understand, who ordered you and how did you find me?" She queried...

"The young man who booked this room, paid me to take you home" He replied..

"Really? Oh thank goodness", she sighed in relief...

"Where's he now?", She asked...

"Absolutely no idea ma'am", He said, walking away...."I'm about to leave".

"Right behind ya".., she called out...

       how strange, she thought..why do I feel like he's my mystery guy.... definitely not! my mystery guy was way too nice and not rude like this jerk!.  She walked back into the room to get her phone...

"Where in bikini bottom did I keep that piece of junk!", She shrieked, as she searched every nook and cranny, scattering and littering the room, soon it was in a mess and she still couldn't find her phone "ugh!" She groaned and stormed out angrily....


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