The Hunt 2,

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At Dunbar's museum....

     Knocking down the last guard and successfully, dodging the laser beams without triggering any alarm, the Shadow Hunter, took the last gem from it's safe and slinked out of the building.....

Noticing he had companies, he paused and tossed the gem in the air, then caught it...."I knew I would have visitors," he said.

"Hand over the gem and we won't have to hurt you", the leader of the armed men spat out, stretching his hand forward...

"Hurt me?", The Hunter, chuckled as he uncovered his hood...."if you needed the gem, you should've hunted it first ...i'm sorry it's mine now...but the truth guys are really slow pokes", he joshed, placing the gem into his coat's pocket and bringing out his pistols...

"Get him!", The leader snarled as some men dashed towards the Hunter who also charged at them violently.... hitting one on the forehead with the butt of his gun, he shot at the ones on his both sides, then ducked from the bullets, whizzing in the air..

He crashed to the ground, raised his pistols and fired, then rolled over and jerked up quickly, firing mercilessly at them...they dropped to the ground, one after the other....

"Son of a....", The leader swore under his breath as he fired at the Hunter...who missed the bullet by luck...He hit the last man standing, with his elbow, grabbed him by the neck and threw him to the ground, then fired..

Not aware of the leader's next move, he also dropped to the ground as he winced, holding his arm..The leader smirked.

"Not too tough after all", he mocked, still pointing his gun at him..."I should just kill you now, you know...but we know you have the remaining gems so let's make a deal....if you.......", The leader was interrupted as the atmosphere became misty.

Gasping,he closed his eyes as the gas stung his eyes...."Arrgh!", He groaned...."Jackpot", he heard the Hunter say before he vanished.....


  Lisa hummed a lullaby as she rocked Sally to sleep, on her laps... Hearing the clinking of keys at the door, Sally jerked up and barked....the door swung open and Steve staggered in, holding his injured arm....

"OMG!!" Lisa gasped in horror as she stood up from the chaise lounge...

"Wh...what happened?", She stuttered...

"Do I need to explain?" Steve groaned... heading to his reading desk...

"Hang on..I'll get the first aid", she puffed...

"'m fine..I've been injured worse than this", he replied...

"Here hold this pointer closely...I'll pull out the bullet", he handed over a pointer to her..

"Oh no!", She cried, trying not to throw up...all these sights of blood makes me sick, she thought.... holding the pointer firm, she closed her eyes while he tried removing the bullet from his left arm...

  "Great! that's it, you can open your eyes, cheeky", he said, wrapping a bandage round his arm...

"You need to go to the hospital", she said.."I don't need the hospital to treat me before I can be fine", he replied....

"You cheeky monkey!", She snapped "Stop playing tough okay? You are in danger!".

"Says who? Little- miss- doctor?", He scoffed as he grabbed an attache case....."let's go!".

   "I have no idea where we're headed...all I want is to be home with my father again", she said, folding her arms....he snubbed and headed for the door...

"You comin?", He asked...

"Ugh!! Like i have a choice", She sighed irritated as she carried Sally and followed him closely.."he's so strange", she murmured...
   The car pulled along slowly as the night made way for the drizzled uncomfortable silence befell the duo or maybe trio, coz Sally was present also...Steve sighed deeply as he fondled a picture and glanced at it, steering the wheel slightly...twas a picture of his mom, grabbing Daniel's cheeks and smiling. The picture was taken, some months ago....

Trying to get a clear view of the picture, Lisa stole glances at the picture but still couldn't see it clear as Steve stuffed it right back into his pants pocket...

"Not in a million years, I don't want to be the cause of the death of an innocent person", he said, breaking the silence...

She stared at him for a while, then returned her gaze to the road....

Approaching an eatery, he turned to face her...

"You hungry?", He asked...but got no reply...still he screeched to a stop in front of the eatery and got down...she did same, lagging behind and leaving Sally in the car...

  He ascended the stairs and walked up to the counter..."rice krispies?", He asked...

"Yes sir", the attendant replied..."how about you?", He asked Lisa whose lips were sealed as she wrapped her arms round her body..

"Um...same", he told the attendant..."and Ceasar salad.. and a bottle of red rum", he added.

Grabbing Lisa's arm, he pulled her to an empty seat...he thrusted her down..

"Hey!", She snapped...

"shhhh!", He placed his index finger on her lip, hushing her... she boiled in anger.
The attendant brought their meals and served them.....

         Plzzz Vote and comment...I'll get u pizza😁😋


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