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      "Thanks Megan", Miss Hart smiled as she was escorted to the door by Mrs steinfield....

"You're welcome", Mrs steinfield replied, embracing her....

"Your son will come back..I assure you" Miss Hart said in a comforting tone..

"Yes he will....I know he will...bye", Mrs steinfield bade her as she closed the door, slowly and was back to the sofa.

     The door bell rang.

"Oh boy!" She sighed, getting up and walking back to the door, she flung it open...three men in Black suit, gazed back at her ..

"How may I help you?", She asked, puzzled.

"Mrs steinfield?", One of them ventured.

"Y-yess, is there any problem?" She asked again...

"We're looking for your son", he said...

"My son?", She gasped out..."what has he done?".

  Just then, Daniel walked to the door also, staring at the strangers...

"Did you do anything Daniel?", She asked him...he shook his head negatively and glared at the men.

"I meant your older son, Steven steinfield" The stranger said..Her heart raced....

"What..has.he done? Did he do anything wrong?", She asked, scared...

"I'm afraid ma'am, your son has been caught and exposed...he was charged with the offence of being an international criminal which includes the theft of the missing gems from the four respective famous museums...", He said

"I beg your pardon?", She gasped out...

"The papers revealed the identity of the Shadow Hunter which is Steven steinfield, your son", he said....

"Please I have no idea of what you're talking son Steven has been missing for days and....and he...he would do no such" she spluttered.."Steve is a good boy".

"I'm sorry ma'am that's what you", he handed the daily newspaper to her ...she glanced at it and tried to hold back her tears....

"You must be son is too feeble...he.. he's so kind and...and..."

"Steve's not feeble!", Daniel snapped interrupting his mom as the men turned to look at him..his mother casted a sober look at him also...

"Let me take a look", he snatched the papers from her hands and read through....

"Whoa!!", He exclaimed..."my brother's the Shadow Hunter?... COOL!!", He beamed..but then his mother smacked his head and collected the papers...

"Don't be absurd!!", She murmured..

"Mom?!", He whined..

"So where do you think  the so called Hunter is?", She asked, facing the men...

"We have no idea ma'am... that's why we came to you..we believe you might have informations based on your son's where- abouts...and i'm afraid you'll have to follow us to the station".

  "How do you expect me to trust you?" She retorted...

"Government agents", he said, bringing out a fake identity card...

"Please we need not waste more time, we need the information from you and you also have to write down some statements", he said....

"I'm not leaving until I get to speak with my lawyer!", she retorted....

"There's no time ma'am, when we get to the station, we'll  put a call across to your lawyer", he assured...

"We didn't do anything wrong", Daniel grumbled.

   Suddenly, one of the men yelped as the others turned to look at him...

"ow, ow, ow, ow", he hopped on one leg, holding his butt....Jack puffed, wagging his tail as Daniel chuckled...

"Way to go Jack jack!".

  "Hey you gotta control that puppy or else I'll control it for you", the man who was bitten in the butt, snarled as he took out his pistol...

"Yikes!!", Daniel squealed..."Get in the car... we're running a little late".

   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

        "Maybe I shouldn't use your phone though....I could use some road side telephone booth then. I have to talk to my Dad,and best friends, Lisa said, calling out from the bathroom, she tied her hair up in a ponytail, put on a pair of joggers and a loosed white shirt...

"It looks good on you than me", Steve said, as she came out of the bathroom.."I can take you to the closest one", he walked to the door..."you comin'?".

"Definitely!", She hopped happily.. following him closely...they strolled down the street of 'Sudsey's Ritz lodge', hotel, approaching the huge clocktower which was beside a movie theater...

"We could watch some movies, sometime", she said, facing Steve who stuffed his hands into his pants pockets...

"maybe", he murmured.

"oh c'mmon what's the big deal?" She asked as she giggled...

"i'm not into romantic movies", he said....

"Really?", She smiled as she hit his arm playfully.."c'mon i'm a fan of horror and action movies".she said..

"You can't be serious", He said.

" Hell yeah I am....I love 'em like hell!".

"And you still freak out at the sight of blood?", He asked her.....

"Well.. that's just a part of me... I'm so irritated at the sight of blood and you know it gives me the higgly- pigglies.... sending goose bumps all over my body....brrrrrrr!!", She shivered while he stifled a laughter....

"God! I haven't laughed in a while", he murmured...

"You seem really tough and I hardly see tough guys father's worst, the last time I saw him laugh was when I was six and all because I put on my mom's heels, pretented I was a stylist model but ended up tripping over...". She muttered...

"When you were six?! Holy moly!", He bursted out laughing..."your dad's a real man", he said....

"he freaks me out sometimes having his no- smile face order me to stay indoors..".

    Hope you liked this part...😇😇
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